Chapter 13

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I have the official name for you guys! You are, from now on, my outsiders! Yayayayayayayay!!!!!


Harry's body is against my back, his arms snaked around mine, his hands resting on my waist. He's about 5 inches taller than me, so he bends over to rest his head on my shoulder. I giggle- a girly gesture. If you haven't noticed, girly isn't my strong suit.

He whispers in my ear, "Can we go back to your place after this?" It sends tingles down my spine to have his warm air so close.

I laugh, gently smacking his chest. "If you behave," I respond.

It's been exactly one day since we made out and everything has changed. Unrequited love turned into returned feelings for Harry.

My brain is eating itself alive for this, but my heart? Well, it's going a million miles a minute. I know that I've basically just proved that Harry can get any girl he wants, but something tells me, he doesn't save every girl from sexual assault.

Yesterday, he came to my rescue, and I realized that the dimmed out, dull feelings I had for Brent were nothing like what I feel about Harry. Though I'd been trying push these feelings aside, there is no fighting it.

I like Harry Styles.

It's crazy to even think about. It goes against everything in me, except my heart. But I figure, as long as my heart's beating, I'm still alive.


We walk up to my house. "Still four more days till my parents get home," I state.

"I know." He smirks that devilish smirk of his, pulling me towards the house faster. He hurries me up as I try to unlock the door, whining the whole time. "Why can't I have a set of keys?"

"Because I don't trust you," I tease him.

He pouts, causing me to laugh, as I push the light door inwards, letting us in.

As soon as I close the door, Harry begins lightly biting my earlobe from behind. "Stop," I say, trying to get past him.

He grabs my waist. "Why should I?"

He plants his lips on mine, grabbing the front of my jacket and gently tugging me towards the living room.

Only, something stands in our way. "Care to get a room?" Niall's voice sounds disgusted.

I'm lost for words. "U-e-um..." Just say something. "Niall..." And that's the only word my mush-for-brains can manage.

"Chloe..." he responds, looking bewildered - and kind of angry to tell the truth. "I was coming by so we could finish our betting. I saw you two on TV," his voice is laced with venom. I guess us making out is all over the media then...

I've never seen Niall-sweet little Niall-like this. It's weird, seeing someone who is usually so calm be so rude and upset. Why is he being like this?

"Niall, we can finish our betting now." I smile at him, trying to keep him from walking away. "This was something we set up before, after all. We can do this now and Harry can come over later."

Harry frowned. I know it isn't fair to him, but then again, it isn't fair to Niall to put Harry as priority in front of him. No, I don't want to do that. I am going to keep my friendships completely intact.

Niall wouldn't even crack a smile. "No, no," he insists, "I wouldn't want to get in the middle of this." He gestures towards us with a circular motion of his hand, practically sneering.

I look at Niall's solemn expression before he walks out, wishing that his face would reveal something. Why is he acting like this? Have he and Harry fallen out?

"We haven't been getting along the greatest lately," Harry voices, as though answering my question.

"Oh..." If you haven't noticed, clever responses are hard for me while I'm so frazzled.

He puts his hands on my upper arms, until I wince at the pressure on my bruise; he quickly apologizes and moves them to my waist. "It's no big deal," he assures, "can we just start kissing again?"

I give him a peck in the lips. "I think we should check out what they're saying about us in the news." I begin swiftly walking towards the TV.

Harry reluctantly falls in step. "You're such a tease, Chloe Brin River."

"Ew, don't use my middle name," I respond.

He smirks. "I'll use your middle name, until we start kissing again," he declares.


"Brin! Brin! Brin!" he screams, mockingly as he chases me around the couch.

Our laughter is equivalent to that of a hyena until he catches me and pins me down in the couch.

"Get off!" I scream through chuckles.

He straddles my waist. "Nope," he decides. He leans in to kiss me.

I push him away, still laughing. He pouts in response.

"Alright, you little baby," I tease. "Get in here."

His pout slowly dissolves into a smile as he leans in to press his lips on mine. His tongue prods until I allow it access into my mouth. We pull away after a few minutes of kissing. I smile, slightly panting. "Now. Let's watch that news report." Harry steps off of me. He sits down and I lay across his lap, turning the TV on and finding a station with a news segment on us.

"It seems that the girl who has been wrecking One Direction's reputation is getting friendly with Harry as well." The pictures of us making it begin appearing in the top right corner of the screen. "If this is a publicity stunt, I'm here to say this is not cool. Chloe River has something else coming to her, if she thinks she can get away with this."

Harry quickly turns the TV off. My face sinks and my heart is in the pit of my stomach. "There are going to be riots against me," I say. "Everyone's gonna hate me more and want to kill me!"

Harry's face look a bit paled as well. "No, no, relax!" he responds. "It's all gonna be okay." But his slightly heavy breath says otherwise.

I purse my lips and furrow my brows. This is not off to a good start. I shake my head. "You know what? I don't care! I have you," I decide, putting my fingers in his chin and pulling him closer to me.

As we lean in to kiss, he whispers, "Yeah, and I love you."

My body stiffens as I stop dead in my tracks. Wtf did he just say?

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