Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait! I know I'm a terrible person, but I just had my Bat Mitzvah, and it took to long to prepare and now it's over.Thanks so much for 450+ reads! I, also, want you all to know that, while many of Chloe's traits/morals are based off of mine, many of them are not. Also, all of this stuff happening to Chloe with 1D would never happen to me. The only thing that was based off of if I met One Direction was the very beginning, where the directioners would get pissed at me, and 1D would be shocked that there are girls my age that don't like them.

1 of the morals we have in common is feminism!!! Are you with me ladies?


I quickly explain to Niall all that had just gone down. It had taken a few mere minutes, but it seems like some really deep events occurred. "Are you sure he's drunk?" Niall asks, looking down at Harry, whose holding his privates in pain.

"Yeah, Harry's a moron, a jerk, and has an ego the size of Russia, but I don't think he'd try to hurt me like that," I explain.

I rub my sore shoulder. He threw me against the wall right at the corner of the doorframe. My face scrunches up as I touch the area.

"Chloe, are you okay?" Niall says rushedly.

I wave him off. "Yeah, I'm fine." I give him a lopsided smile. "I'm not made of glass you know."

"Yeah, but sometimes you seem to forget you're made of flesh and bones, instead of titanium," he responds.

I shake my head. "Who wants to remember that? I think it's more fun to pretend I'm invincible," I declare.

"And dangerous," he adds.

"Stop babying me," I whine. "If I weren't a girl, you'd think it was stupid if I made a big deal over banging into a wall."

"Chloe, stop being stupid and just let me see if he hurt you too bad," Niall commands frustratedly.

"Aaaaaoooow," a faint moan sounds from Harry's mouth.

I look down to where he's lying, curled up into a ball. He's in skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Typical. A few minutes later, he begins uncurling himself from the ball and standing up. "Bloody hell, Chloe! Get back here!" he screams.

"Why is he such a violent drunk?" I ask Niall, who shrugs in response.

Harry reaches out to grab me, but Niall holds him back. "Chloe, I think it's best we finish our betting tomorrow. I gotta get hotshot over here home." He rolls his eyes, causing me to erupt into laughter.

"Okay, but I'll beat you tomorrow!" I assure him. "I will have my revenge, Niall!"

"Fat chance!"

With that, Niall pulls Harry out of the house. As soon as he reverses out of the driveway, I begin screaming profanities at the top of my lungs while lightly gripping my shoulder.

I go up to my room, where I have a full length mirror, and take my shirt off. I look at my back in horror. A nasty bruise, that could pass as Texas takes up the back of my shoulder. It has swirling colors, most of which are various shades of blues and greens. Thank god Niall forgot to check. He would've freaked.

Then I realize who did this. "Harry Styles, I'm gonna kill you!" I scream.

I know he was drunk when he did it, but that's really not my problem. It's not my fault he got piss drunk. It's not my fault he likes me. It's not my fault I don't like him. What reason has he given me to like him?

He doesn't care about anybody but himself.

And maybe that's why you feel like you need to give him someone to care about.

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