Chapter 11

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~Niall Horan~

"Hey, Harry! What're you doing here?"

"Trying to gain access to the house, apparently," he sighs.

I knock on the door. "Hey, Chlo! I'm ready to finish betting. Can I come in?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure, just don't let Harry in!" she calls through the door. I fight back a smile. I don't know what about that makes me so happy. Maybe it's because there is a teenage girl that's not after the bad boy. That certainly seems to be a rare thing. Yeah, that's probably it.

Harry looks so fed up with me and only gets angrier to see that I have my own set of keys to her house. "What?" I question his death glare. "We hang out a lot!"

She looks happy to see me as I step through the door. "I'm gonna kick your butt today!" she raves. "You got lucky yesterday, but today, it is on!"

Harry pounds in the door. "Niall, you don't have to let me in. Just help her with her shoulder. She won't admit it but it's got to hurting pretty badly."

"What's he talking about?" I ask her.

She hugs her jacket tight together. "Nothing, he's being ridiculous." She walks me into the living room.

I think for a moment before grabbing her and throwing her onto the couch. I straddle her waist then begin tickling her sides. She squirms beneath me. "Niall!" she laughs. "Stop!"

Then, out of the blue, I pull the jacket off of her body.

"Niall!" she screams as I step off of her. She flails, reaching for the jacket. I look at her shoulder. "H-Harry was right! You need to see a doctor!"

"Oh, Harry was right, was he now? Because, I seem to recall him being the one to do this to me!" she doesn't have that hint of Chloe sass in her voice; she's just completely and utterly enraged. I hate the sight of it.

I stare at her shoulder so long that people would think I was looking at her chest or something. There were blues and purples and greens spotted strategically around her shoulder blade leading all the way up to her shoulder, coating it.

She snatches her jacket back. "You know what? I'm not that desperate to beat you at a game. Leave." She points in the direction of the way out.


~Chloe River~

I kicked Niall out about an hour a go and then I was just left to my own devices. It pretty much sucks. I recorded a couple songs, though, which was nice.

I decide to go take a walk outside.

When I push open the thick wooden door, the shock of my life is revealed. There are three cameras pointed towards the door, two with female reporters and one with a male reporter. They're all straightening out their outfits and fixing their hair. Actually, the guy was the only one fixing his hair surprisingly.

"Um...hello?" I question. "Are you looking for something?"

"Oh, it's you!" One of the women walks forward first, her cameraman following. "We are here live with the one and only Chloe River!"

The other two reporters come up and all three of them begin firing questions. "Wait!" I scream. "One at a time. You first." I point to the first woman who had walked up to me.

"Why was Harry Styles banging on your door an hour ago?"

"Because we were playing a game," I attempt lamely. I can't give any of the boys bad publicity or I might have to get involved with their management, which doesn't seem fun.

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