Chapter 33

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Heather knew that something was terribly wrong even before he opened his eyes. It was a challenge for him to think clearly as he was constantly drifting in and out of sleep, but the feeling of dread was very much awake inside his gut, making him slightly nauseated. All he wanted to do was close his eyes, take a deep breath and burrow into Mistress, who would hug him tightly and kiss his forehead and tell him that her little pet had nothing to worry about.

Oh. Mistress.

Heather's heart skipped a beat when he remembered everything and realised what was wrong. The anger he'd felt the previous evening, rage and frustration and pure fear. The grim satisfaction that coursed through his body when he turned away from his owner instead of snuggling into her like he always would do.

And now there he was. Her arms wrapped around him as he was pressed against her chest, hugging her back and one of her legs tucked between his. Raven was snoring on the other side of the bed, as he and Mistress were entwined so closely that there was plenty of space for his daughter.

They were both asleep. It was highly likely very very early, Raven usually woke up before everyone else other than Maya and Sam, she had to cook breakfast for all five of them. But even she was snoring calmly. She was such a calm sleeper...

Heather smiled and then hesitantly pulled away, angry all over again as he remembered the feeling of utmost horror when Mistress refused to assist him in washing. Now, he could easily do it himself - but why would she do it unless she was planning on getting rid of him?! He'd dealt with his separation anxiety when he was stuck in the hospital and had to remind himself and and night that he wouldn't be forgotten and abandoned, but now there was this rage boiling inside him, this rage that he didn't know how to deal with.

It was still dark when he got up and grabbed some clothes, going to the bathroom to change and wash his face. The unnatural light blinded him for a moment, forcing him to blink furiously and squeeze out unwanted and unnecessary tears.

Ridiculous. He wasn't going to cry.

The slave changed into his clothes and bent in front of the sink. Icy water splashed obto his face and immediately his scar responded, blinding Heather again, though this time with pain. He hissed and shook his head, waiting for the horrible stinging to subside.

He hated that scar. That scar that ruined his moderately happy life. The rest of them could be hidden, but not the one across his face. The ugliest of them all.

He returned to the bedroom and quietly put his nightgown away, then felt around with his hands until his grabbed a comb. Brushing his hair, something he'd been looking forward just a few months ago was now a routine. Maybe because he hadn't even noticed how it was his task instead of Mistress'.

She used to brush his hair, smiling at him and sending waves of pleasure through his scalp... She used to talk to him and call him pretty names. She used to kiss him and hold him so gently that his heart was about to melt.

And now? He looked at her sleeping form for a moment. Why were things changing now? Where was that scar that ruined his happiness this time?

The guy scowled in anger and walked into the living room, creeping through the house. Much to his surprise, Maya was still asleep on the couch, but Sam was sitting in front of a window and staring outside. At the sound of the footsteps he turned around, his greyish eyes peering at Heather through the darkness of the room.

"Hey." Heather nodded and smiled politely at him. He hadn't spoken much to Sam, and so he wasn't really sure what to do or how to act around him. Maya was always awake and always beside her brother. "What are you doing up? It's early."

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