Chapter 21

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When Heather opened his eyes he saw Mistress. His heartbeat went faster as he grinned and pressed closer to her, feeling her arms hold him close to her. She was warm, really warm, but no more than usually. He allowed himself to stay in the loop of her arms for a while, just savouring the feeling and loving everything about it. It was... It was the best, honestly.

Someone shifted, and only then did he remember that they weren't alone in the room. He also remembered the reason why he'd been feeling kind of awkward and not as comfortable as he was used to, for the side of the bed was very very close to him, meaning he was on the verge of falling down inmf he as much as moved in a wrong way.

It was a bit of a trick to push himself up on his elbow and get out from the hold his owner had on him without actually falling down, but he nailed it and stood up. They had been forced to sleep on one side of the bed, for the other was occupied with Raven, who, luckily for everyone, didn't pull her knees up even a little when she slept. That was beyond convincing, despite the bed actually being big, there was nearly not enough space for the three of them to fit perfectly. They were lucky enough that he and Mistress always snuggled when they slept, meaning they took up less space.

He smiled a little, the moonlight illuminating the top part of the bed and the faces of the women sleeping peacefully, even though the window was covered with a special drape to keep block out most of the light. Mistress hummed in her sleep and hugged some of the pillow, her hair tossed all over her side of the bed. Raven, on the other hand, slept more peacefully, her chest rising and falling steadily. Her trusty knife was on the bedside table, very well within her reach. At least she wasn't holding onto it in her sleep any longer, when they slept so close to each other she could very easily hurt someone with it, which wouldn't be good at all.

Heather had asked to sleep on the floor or at the foot of the bed since it wasn't new to him, but his owner was very strict about him sleeping on the bed and, preferably, in her arms. He didn't mind, as long as he'd asked to not make her uncomfortable and she still refused, his consciousness was clear.

He smiled more and crept out of the room, carefully testing the floor with his toes before putting his entire weight on his foot. This way he was making sure he wouldn't step on something or that the floor under him wouldn't creak, both of which could result in him waking anyone up.

The entire house was... Breathing. It was a very weird thing to notice, but it was true. The guy could hear the breathing of Mistress and Raven, down the hallway there were two doors, from behind which there came more breathing and sometimes even snoring. The door to the first room, which belonged go his owner's parents, was ajar, and so the snoring and breathing was louder from there. The door to the second room was closed fully, muffling the breathing of John and Nick.

The guy shivered. He was the only one awake in the entire house, and that felt... Weird, but not in an unpleasant way. It just proved he had a responsibility, he had to step very very quietly and make as little sounds as he could. He smiled and went to the stairs, really wanting to go get some water even though Mistress would sometimes tell him it wasn't healthy to drink in the middle of the night since his organs needed to rest as well. He honestly believed that it was good for them to work since they'd had too much rest back when he was basically forced to starve, besides, how much could a glass of water hurt?

More breathing came from downstairs and he stopped, smiling a little wider. The sofa was converted into a pretty big bed, the cushions were set aside and some bedsheets were put on the sofa to make it possible to sleep on it, even though back when it belonged to Raven, she didn't actually need any bedsheets. Now the new slaves, Maya and Sam were sleeping down there, back to back. Sam was quiet even in his sleep, barely moving and only occasionally twitching his leg to respond to a dream of some sort. He slept in a very weird way, kind of on his stomach and hugging the pillow to himself.

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