Chapter 4

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Catherine breathed deeply and slowly, her lips pressed to Heather's forehead and her arms wrapped around his body. Everything was so confusing for her! There he was, right in her arms, raring to go make her life easy and happy, and yet she had a feeling he was just acting like a slave was supposed to act. Was this the real him or that version of his self that he was trained to show to his masters? Was he actually happy or was he just so used to pretending to be happy that he actually believed this is what he liked? Gosh, why did it have to be this confusing?!

"Mistress?" He said after maybe ten minutes of silence and holding each other near. She hummed as a permission for him to talk and winced as soon as she realised that. Really?! Why, why on Earth would he be not allowed to speak?! He was a person, for crying out loud, a person! He was supposed to speak whenever he wanted to!

Yet this didn't seem to matter to the guy. He only burrowed deeper into her body and exhaled in... Was it patience or relief?

"If... If we're going to visit your family tomorrow, maybe I should know what they are like?" He asked casually. Cat smiled and rubbed his behind his ear, giggling when she felt him lean in her touch. Amazing, just amazing. He was such a sweetheart! She was going to explain everything to him and Raven the following day on their way there, but she couldn't say no to her little lovely slave. He deserved to know it now, he deserved to get all the answers he needed.

"Well..." She began and started drawing patterns on his chest with her fingertip. How should she begin? "My dad will probably ask you to call him Eddie or Edward, but I guess you can call him sir if you absolutely can't go with names. He's rather nice and smart, but sometimes he can be a little too much. Don't worry, though, he's going to like you a lot!"

She smiled and closed her eyes, remembering her folks' little place. It was so beautiful there, so peaceful! She actually did miss it a lot, and now she was looking forward to going there once again. She wondered if there still was that tree which had a scary spider-shaped shadow during evenings...

"He... He sounds like a good person." Heather smiled, although it was clear that the smile was forced and fake. He was still worried as heck about everything. Oh well, he couldn't be blamed, not when he was so afraid of being free and the family of the woman wanted to free all slaves.

"He is." Catherine nodded and looked away. "There's also my mother, Ericka, but I suppose she may let you call her ma'am just because you're not used to the names and stuff. She's also very very nice and sweet and kind, she never argues, she never fights, she... She's the heart of the house."

She still remembered those fairy tales her mother used to tell her, those fantasies about wolves and the ghost of a bride who liked to drown children... What was the name of that story? She would never remember.

"And they are both against slavery, aren't they?" The guy sighed and gently stroked his collar. Cat blushed in shame and nodded. Yeah. They were all against slavery. Her entire family. And then there was her, a loose wire who got - not only one, no! - two slaves. What will they say when they see her again? What will they say when they see the way Heather is treated? They definitely won't approve of his behavior at all!

"Also, while we're there, I think it's better if you try to act like a free as much as you can force yourself to." She said and winced when she saw the way he tensed up at the suggestion. Looked like acting like a free really did make him worried as hell. "Please, just try! I-I know it won't be easy for you, but I'll be beside you at all times and you really don't want to listen to my mom lecture me about abusing you. She... She's nice, but when it comes to slavery she can be unstoppable."

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