The Art of Deflowering |🍋 Iggy x Shy!Nerdy!Reader!Lemon 🍋

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So a few ppl have shown an interest in an Iggy x reader lemon, so here I am finally doing one. This particular scenario was requested by That1RandomKoopaNerd, who wanted the reader to be a shy, nerdy gal with a love for flowers, hence the attempted "punny" title. 

Also, in this, "Amazon" refers to the country the story takes place in, which is the equivalent of Brazil. Not the Amazon Rainforest.

Hope y'all enjoy! 


"Alright, class, I finally finished grading your last test on the native vegetation of Amazon. As usual, [Y/N], received the highest score." Professor Martins announced. "You can come on up and get your test back." 

You gulped as your heart began to race and your body began to heat up. You were silently cursing the teacher, wondering why the heck he would call you out like this, and inflict such cruel and unusual punishment. Of course, most of your fellow students turned to look at you. You slowly stood and made your way to the front of the room to retrieve your test. You hated it when all the attention was on you, for you enjoyed the attention of only one person. 

And that person was:  Prince Ignatius Koopa of the Koopa Kingdom, or--as he preferred to be called--Iggy. He was to be the rules of the Soda Jungle, and he happened to study at the same university as you. He was very popular of course. He had many admirers, male and female, and he was quite a talented footballer as well as a straight A student. You found him cute as well, and all the football gifted him a nice bod as well. You had a slight crush on him….okay maybe it was a big, fat crush but either way it hardly mattered. You hardly knew 'im. He had loads of girls to choose from, why would he choose you? You noticed him, noticing you as you walked back to your seat. He smiled at you, and you hoped it wasn't obvious that you were anxious. 

"We had some good grades and some...not-so good grades. Some of you really need to start trying harder." Professor Martins said, shaking his head in disappointment. 

"Look, tell you guys what, I'm gonna give you all an opportunity to retake this test a few days from now. Of course, it won't look exactly the same but it'll be on the same material you should’ve learned the first time. I haven't decided on a date yet but just know it'll be soon. I suggest those of you who are interested start studying today." 

You wondered if, whenever the retakes were scheduled, they'd take up the whole class period. You kind of hoped so, so that you could use it as a free period to [draw, study, play video games, etc] 

After Professor Martins finished handing out the tests, your last class of the day ended. As you began to gather your things, you heard a voice say, "Hey." 

You looked up, and there Iggy was in all his excellency. He rested his hand on your table and leaned his slim body against it expectantly. 

"H-Hi," You managed to say after internally hyperventilating. 

"You're [Y/N] [L/N], right?" You gave him a small nod. 

"You're really smart when it comes to this botany type stuff. I don't usually do bad in my classes but this class is really tripping me up for some reason. I was wondering if...maybe you would help me out….you know...tutor me?" He asked. 

You took a subtle deep breath before speaking, so your words didn't come out as quick, desperate high-pitched squeaking. "Y-yeah, sure. I've never tutored anyone before though, so I don't know if I'll be any good." 

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