Study Date | Ludwig x Reader

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[Ludwig's POV]

Months had gone by and I saw less of [Y/N]. They still came to practice in the music room and we had a few classes together but other than that, we didn't cross paths that often. They had their own group of friends now.

Don't get me wrong, I loved being alone. In the music room at school was probably the only place I could find tranquil peace and quiet, without being interrupted every 5 minutes by one of my siblings. I had neither time nor interest in being in a relationship so it was better if we didn't get too friendly. I was finishing my lunch of Bratwurst when [Y/N] came into the music room. "Hey Prince Ludwig! S-sorry I'm late, I got a b-bit held up." They apologized, dropping their papers again like they did almost every time they came in.

I picked up one of their papers and saw there was a big, red D on it. I gasped a bit uncontrollably and they looked to see what my reaction was about."Oh y-yeah that. My parents are going to be very upset when they see this. They might even homeschool me again if I don't bring the grade up. I just can't focus when I take tests. I get kinda distracted easily. " They said, solemnly.

"Prince Ludwig, y-you're the smartest kid in s-school, I was w-wondering if you could ....w-well.... tutor me?" They asked shyly. Tutor them? Me? They are right about me being the smartest, so if they want to obtain optimal knowledge, they came to the right place. "Alright, I'll do it. The journey will be rigorous and difficult, are you prepared to take on the challenge?" I asked them. They gave me a small nod, "Could I choose where we study? I'll send the coordinates to your phone!" They asked and I accepted.

~After School~

I had been waiting there for a while when they had FINALLY showed up. "You really need to break this whole being tardy habit you have going on. It's already starting to get dark." I said to them. "S-sorry Prince Ludwig but with all due respect, this was m-my intention." [Y/N] replied shyly. "Well that wasn't a very good plan. A (boy/girl) like you could be jumped and/or raped, especially if you're alone." I replied. "I'm s-sorry. I thought that studying under the stars would be n-nice." They apologized.

As they said this, I looked up and realized the beautiful night sky they had wanted me to see. I usually spend my days looking down at a piano or looking straight ahead, knowing where I'm going and not getting distracted by things along the way. I rarely take the time to look up, and boy was I missing out."The stars sure are beautiful, aren't they? I ch-chose this spot in particular because it's more secluded, so you can see the stars better out here." They said to me as we sat down on the grass.

It was very beautiful night. They took out their books, some snacks, and a nightlight. "You don't still need a nightlight, do you?" I teased. "N-no, it's so we have a bit of light while we work." [Y/N] answered as if they still did sleep with one.

After that, we spent most of our time joking around and talking instead of actually doing any work. "Alright Prince Ludwig, I've gotta go." They yawned and I looked at the time and noticed it had gotten really late. "B-but we didn't get any work done!" I exclaimed. "Well same time tomorrow then?" [Y/N] asked. "Yes!" I said, getting a bit too excited to the point where they just stared blankly at me.

~The Next Day~

"Bully! Bully! Bully! I...can't find... [Y/N]!" I yelled out of breath from running all over the school. "Ya mean that (chick/dude) you've been talkin' about for the past month? Whatta ya want me to do about it?" He asked, not really interested in what I was saying. "My deepest apologies. I'm just really worried about them, it was pretty late at night when they went home. Ugh I'm such a dunce! I should've walked them home like gentleman!" I scolded myself. "But don't they live,like, in Space? I didn't know ya could walk to space now, technology sure is advancin'. It isn't like you to get your panties in a bunch over some (girl/boy)." He replied. "Well, you don't know a lot of things. But be serious, something could've happened like they could've been kidnapped, or raped, or kidnapped and ra-""Prince Ludwig, I heard you've been looking for me?" [Y/N] asked innocently as if they hadn't just caused me to almost have a heart attack.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I'VE BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" I yelled at them, shaking them violently to knock some sense into them. "I kinda accidentally slept in..." They said, blushing out of embarrassment. I calmed down and took in a breath of confidence. "[Y/N], I'm going to tell you something that I haven't told anyone in a long time but I l-" I started but before I could finish, they kissed me. It was like one of those kisses in romantic movies where sparks fly and stuff. It felt good so I tried to kiss them back, hoping I wasn't doing a bad job.

"Get a room!" Bully whistled, bringing me back to reality. It was my first ever real kiss. I'm sure my face was red as a tomato.

"S-sorry Prince Ludwig I d-don't know what came over me." They said shyly, their cheeks pink. "Please just call me, Ludwig."


This is yet another excerpt from my fanfiction story modified into an x reader. I think I'm going to continue doing these because it appears to be the easiest way to update this story sense I know a lot of people read and want me to update. Speaking of which, thank you so much reading! It means a lot to me! I hope you enjoyed this!

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