Love Across The Screen | Larry x Gamer!Reader

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Requested by TjMusicNotes05. The picture above is Larry in this story, in case you were wondering. This story is set before you met Larry.If you would like to request something, you can comment it on the request page.

Y/n- Your name
Y/us- Your username

You and Doofi-O4L were playing (fav online game). You and Doofi-O4L have been online friends for a long time. At the end of everyday, after you came home from school, you would immediately check to see if he was online. You didn't really have friends in real life, so he was like your only friend.

[Voice Chat P.O.V]

Doofi-O4L: Hey, (Y/us)! You ready to play?

Y/us: Yeah, of course! I had a hard day at school so I've been looking forward to some free time.

***~later, after you finished playing~***

Doofi-O4L: I was wondering,(Y/us)....would you like to meet up? You know, in real life?

You had to think about this for a moment. What if he was a creepy guy? What if he tried to rape you? You decided that Doofi-O4L could never be like that, so you accepted.

Doofi-O4L: Great! So lets meet up in the Starbucks at the mall around 11 a.m. I'll be wearing a blue hoodie. I also have a light blue mohawk, so I'll be hard to missX).

Y/us: Alright! See you then!:)

Doofi-O4L- Bye!;)

Doofi-O4L has signed off

You had collapsed on your bed.You were excited to meet him and you were exhausted, that last round of the game really drained you.

***~the next day~***

You had woke up and checked the time. It was 10:50 a.m.OMG! You were going to be so late! You quickly got dressed and grabbed your (backpack/purse) and ran out the door.

[Larry's P.O.V.]

I stood outside the Starbucks, the scent of coffee and desserts filling my nose.(Y/us) still hadn't shown yet and I thought maybe zie had backed out. Hopefully zie could see me. I was a bit nervous to meet zim. I had never really hung out with other (girls/boys) that weren't my siblings before. Just then,I had saw a (girl/boy) about my age running toward me. Zie had stopped in front of me to catch zir breath. Zie was so......(beautiful/handsome)!

[Back to your P.O.V]

You had finally made it and it had felt like you had ran a marathon. "Doofi-O4L, right?" You asked. "Yeah, you must be (Y/us), right?" He replied. "Yep! That's me! It's so good to meet in real life." You said as you both walked into the Starbucks and sat down at a table. He was way cuter and more cool looking than you would've imagined. "You can order what you want, it's on me." He said.

" Oh, thanks. By the way, what's your, you know, real name? I'm (Y/N). " You said. "Oh, my name is Larry." He replied nervously. He must've been as nervous as you felt. "I think I'll have a (fav thing to order at a coffee shop)." You said. "You like those too? Those are my favorite!" He exclaimed which sparked up a conversation about hobbies and your  favorite stuff.

You had felt really comfortable talking to him and you had a great time! He was a really good listener and was easy to open up to.

"I had a great time today, (Y/n)!" Larry said as you both sat on a bench in the mall to rest from all the walking you did. "Me too, I really enjoyed it!" You replied. Just then, he turned to you and his face was really red. "(Y/n), we've known each other for a long time and now I've seen how (beautiful/handsome) you are. That and your personality makes you just... the perfect (girl/guy) for me. I was wondering...If you wanted to be.... my (girlfriend/boyfriend)?" He asked nervously and quietly.

You blushed. No one had ever said something like that about you before and your heart started to race. "Yes, I'd love too!" You exclaimed, bombarding him with a hug. Your head was laying on his chest and you could hear that your hearts were racing together. He was surprised by the hug, but returned it.

He then gave you a kiss on the forehead. "You want to come over to my house and play some games?" He asked. You accepted.

***~later, at his house~***

You and Larry were worn out from all the game playing. You were both laying on his bed laughing at your commentation you made on the other players. After a while you took a break from the game and you and Larry were sitting in his room talking.

At one point, you were just quietly staring at each other. You had returned his kiss from before with a deeper one. He was blushing and you were blushing as you had pulled away.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Ludwig asked from the doorway, just as Larry was going to kiss you again. "Nothing just chatting." He answered. "Mhmmmm" Ludwig said, as if he didn't believe what Larry was saying.

"Just don't do anything too....messy" Ludwig teased. "Ludwig..." Larry groaned in embarrassment. Ludwig just rolled his eyes and left. "Sorry about that." Larry said quietly, still blushing from the embarassment of Ludwig walking in on you 2.


I hoped you enjoyed this everyone! Have a nice day/night!


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