🧁 The Class Cafe ☕| Morton x Reader

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Requested by ItsyaBoiLemonade. I didn't have much inspiration but this little idea came to me, so I hope you all enjoy it! 


"Okay everybody, quiet down and listen up!" Keiko Okamoto, your class representative, announced. 

"The School Festival is coming up, and as first-years, this'll be our first school festival as high schoolers. Every homeroom and club is going to participate and contribute in some way….yada yada...school festivals are nothing new." She said as she flipped through the papers. 

"Anyways, we need to choose a theme. If you have a suggestion, PUH-lease: Raise. Your. Hand.

Of course, lots of kids began to call out and not raise their hands. 

"Yes Naoko?" Keiko sighed, calling on someone who was actually raising their hand. 

"M-maybe we could do a skit?" 

"Sure." Keiko said, writing Naoko's suggestion on the board. 

"What about a maid cafe?" One of the boys suggested. 

"What about a reverse maid cafe?" One of the girls countered. 

"Or a butler cafe?" 

"Or just a crossdressing cafe?" 

"Wear a skirt? No way, it's too cold outside for that!" 

"Now you know what we have to deal with everyday!" 

"Order! Order!" Keiko exclaimed. "It seems like a lot of you want to do a cafe. But it seems like you only want to so you can see the opposite sex in sexy or embarrassing clothing. But what all of you have failed to consider is the cooking aspect of the cafe. Does anyone in the class know how to cook or bake?" 

"Well?" Keiko added quickly as she saw some hands shoot up. Some of those hands went down.  

"Morton does, Morton guesses…." Morton said from the back of the room. Everyone turned in their seats to look at him. Morton hardly ever spoke in class unless he was called on. 

Well, he never spoke to anyone else but he spoke to you loads of times. Well it was more like you were talking at him and then he'd react. Some of the classmates wondered why a Koopaling would ever need to know how to cook anything, as rich as they supposedly were. 

"He can make a mean cupcake!" You spoke up, "M-mean as in good, but I-I bet he could put angry eyebrows on it so that it actually looked mean! Sometimes he shares sweets with me that he brings to school so….yeah. The man's legit!" 

Keiko smiled. "Okay….great! Morton can be on kitchen duty then. I'll need a few more volunteers to make this happen." 

She added other students to the list of cooks and eventually the class came up with enough to put the maid cafe into action. Keiko assigned other students tasks such as making sure all the maids have outfits, deciding what they're going to make, getting started on flyers, etc. You ended up being chosen to be a maid (of course) and since you didn't really have a job till the day of, you decided to help out any way you could. Wendy and a few other kids weren't going to be part of the whole shebang because they would be working with their respective school clubs. Wendy said goodbye to her brother before heading to the swim club room.

"So, this whole maid cafe thing is pretty exciting, ain't it?" You said to Morton after school. 

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