What's Done is Done | Komisch x Reader

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The hurt/comfort fic prompt was requested by ReviloVani. I'm also gonna go ahead and tag Trinster101 and thatonesmlfan because this chapter might satisfy some of the things y'all requested as well, so we might be killing 3 birds with one really big stone.

Also, I know this is fiction but I just wanna say to anyone who might need to hear it: if someone is hurting you and/or people you care about physically or emotionally for no good reason, don't stay with them. It ain't your job to fix or heal them or whatever bullshit society is trying to peddle.

I personally don't believe Komisch would make a very good partner at all (which is why you don't ever end up in a romantic relationship with him in the x readers. If you're wondering why I continue to write them in spite of this fact, x reader scenarios are the only way I get to really explore AUs and concepts I can't add to the main story, because in x readers nothing has to have everlasting consequences since many of the stories exist in vacuums. Komisch is not very empathetic at all and not mature enough for a romantic relationship...yet. He has a lot of personal issues he needs to sort out. He will later in my story, but he's not there yet. In this particular story, he hasn't gone through much of his canon story character development.) but y'all requested it so I'm giving y'all what y'all want.

What you're about to read is a very fantastical situation that will likely never happen (if someone you know is eating people, report them to the fucking police), but I just wanted to say this because I have read and heard of some stories (popular ones aimed at young impressionable audiences at that!) where the love interest is a walking red flag and yet their abusive actions are peddled as "romance" and they and the main character STILL get together in the end. Yuck.

And I was a bit uncomfy uploading a story where you end up with Komisch without mentioning that these behaviors are not okay in real life. Being extremely possessive isn't hot, it's just toxic and lame.

Content warning (since some suggested I add them): attempted murder, murder of varying types of graphicness, child abuse, and alcoholism.

ANYWAYS all that drab and dreary stuff aside because I know yall are finished reading my rambling, if you end up enjoying this story, feel free to leave a vote and maybe follow me and check out some of my other stories.

As always, if you come up with a request please leave it on the request page because if you comment it anywhere else I will lose it and forget about it 😅


"Alright everyone, I know you're ready to head out but I have a very important announcement to make--I've made my final selection for the coveted employee of the month award. As you all know, this is the employee who has gathered the most blueberries this month."

Mr. Bush gazed into the crowd and smiled. "Tag, you're it."

The crowd erupted into applause as Taggard Preas moved to the front of the room. People had been making that joke since Tag was practically in diapers. Your father eased himself out of his chair at the front and walked up to Tag, his large gray and black ringed tail swishing against the ground.

"Congratulations, my boy. I'd always envisioned you'd do great things." Your father smiled, grabbing Taggard's hand firmly and shaking it.

"Thank you, Mayor [L/N]!" Taggard shook your father's hand enthusiastically, his blonde squirrel-like tail waving with the same vigor.

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