Foolish | Iggy x Reader

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Requested by PomPomThe1. All I have to say is listening to music is really helpful when trying to write, well for me anyway. I'm back now! If you want to request something you can comment on here or on the request page!

You were sitting at your desk in Chemistry, waiting for class to start. Everyone was chatting with their lab partners, talking about last night's assignment and who recently hooked up and who broke up 2 seconds ago.

Just then, your eyes were covered, "Guess who?" You heard a familiar voice say. "Iggy, stop it." You giggled as he removed his hands. He set his backpack on the floor and took the seat next to you. "Are you going to come to my game tonight?" He asked you, taking out his notebook.  "Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" You replied cheerfully.

                                                   ~Later that night~

You rushed back to  the school as fast as your (length of your legs) legs would take you. He had told you at lunch that he had a surprise for you so you were excited about that too!

When you finally got there, Iggy had reserved you the best seat in the stadium. You spent the whole game cheering for him as if you were on the cheerleading team yourself! After the game, Iggy had called you onto the field.

"(Y/N), you're the sexiest, smartest, kindest (boy/girl) I know. I'm lucky to have the priviledge to call you my (boyfriend/girlfriend)." He said, looking into your captivating (eye color) eyes. He then turned you around and put a necklace on your neck. It was one of those necklaces that were 2 halves of a heart, and he was already wearing the other half. He then kissed you on the cheek.

"I'll be back, I've gotta go talk to the Coach." He said running off. You were left there, blushing. You looked down at the charm and saw that the heart could be opened, so you opened it. Inside was a picture of him but you could see a little bit of you in the picture too, it was your favorite picture you guys took on your vacation to Rio last summer.

You had went to go look for a bathroom when you spotted Iggy in distance and it looked like....he was with another (boy/girl) ?! They were on the ground and it looked like he was on top of them. You ducked behing a trash can so you wouldn't be seen as you spied on him. And it looked like....they were kissing!?

Your eyes started to burn from the tears that were starting to form. You felt angry, confused, sad, and betrayed. You were foolish to think that someone as popular and handsome as Iggy could love someone as bleh as you.

You took the necklace off and threw it in a random direction. By now, Iggy had noticed you. You looked at him and turned and ran as fast as you could. "(Y/N)!" He called after you but you kept running until you got to your house. You plopped own on your bed and had a very good cry.

After about 30 minutes, you heard the doorbell ring. Your eyes were red and puffy and your (skin color) cheeks were blotchy from crying. You opened the door and saw Iggy standing there and you slammed the door in his face. "(Y/N)! Please, let me explain!" He yelled from the other side. You sighed then opened the door. "Can I at least come in?" He asked. "Um how" You answered bluntly.

"Anyway, I know that what you saw probably looked like I was cheating but I wasn't. One of the cheerleaders passed out so I was giving them CPR." He said. So what you saw must've been those rescue breaths. Suddenly your cheeks burned red with embarrassment at how foolish it was to jump to conclusions like that, as if you didn't trust Iggy. And on top of that, you threw your precious necklace he had given you.

"Here. You dropped this." He joked, giving you back said necklace. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I feel like a bad (boyfriend/girlfriend) right now." You said, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Don't worry about it. Couples face these kind of things every once in a while. And now that we have," He said, holding your hands, "We can become a stronger couple." He finished.

"Anyway, you want to watch (fav anime/ tv show)?" He asked. You nodded and got the blankets and popcorn as you both cuddled under the blanket together.

                                                                 ~The End~

I hope you enjoyed! I haven't written like this in a while so I hope it was okay! Sorry you had to wait so long!

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