The First Drop

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"We need to go back!" Klaire shouted as the girls dragged her away from the battle.

"No," Aleisa growled, "Damien knows what he is doing. He's a strong Alpha."

"I...I don't care, Damien shouldn't do this-"

"Why do you care!" The she wolf snapped and jerked away from the Luna, "I've seen the way you act around, I know you don't love him. In fact all of us know the only reason your not rejecting him is because he will kill you, so why are you so freaked out about him shedding a little bit of blood?"

"You don't know what I feel-"

"Look, let's just find your stupid friend and get out of here."

"First off Lillian is not stupid! Secondly it doesn't matter how she feels because what ever is in her heart, he put the feelings there. Your alpha isn't a saint like you claim!" Victoria growled as she stepped in front of her friend as if protecting her from the smaller she-wolf.

"You don't know what he has gone through!"

"No I do," Klaire whispered as she stared at the girl, "I know everything, I also know a jealous girl when I see one. So let me guess, Damien is a god in your eyes, and growing up in his life, all you could ever dream of was being with him. I assume you had a lot in common, both like to kill, both like being hard a$$es. Then all of a sudden a girl comes crashing into the picture, tearing your dreams to shreds. The chances of ever being with your alpha is over, only because he found his mate. And I am just assuming that you were secretly wishing this girl would reject him. Not only would he be free for you, but you would get to kill. Little did you think that your brute alpha would actually open up and show his mate he's worth loving. And that's exactly what I am going to do. I am going to give that man as much love as I can, because deep down he's a damaged boy that wants to be loved. But he puts up a wall to protect himself from getting hurt like he did before. So don't sit here and claim I don't know him, cause I'm sure I know more then you ever will. Now either get out of my way or be useful and help track down Lillian."

"Do it yourself!" She growled before running off back towards the fight. When she disappeared from sight, Klaire sighed and began walking towards a dark hallway.


From the corner of her eye, Martha watched Brad jump on a small black and white wolf, his teeth digging deeply into its neck. The smaller wolf struggled for a minute but the moment Brad clamped down a second time, it went limp.

Distracted by the sight, a large grey wolf snuck up from behind and tackled her. She growled and snipped but it dodged with ease and swatted at her stomach. She howled out in pain and felt fear clench deep in her gut. Suddenly the larger wolf was ripped of and she was dragged away. Looking behind herself she found Jessica's small burnt red frame next to a large golden alpha. He had her by the hind leg, carefully pulling her away from the blood bath.
The baby Martha. Jessica linked as she shoved her nozzle into her neck. This man will protect you. Please be careful.

I can fight! She snipped. Before Jessica could respond the male alpha yelped at her. The look in his eyes was a clear warning, who ever this man was, he wasn't about to let her go back in. With a snort she laid her head down and focused on the fight.

Faith roared through the battle, she howled out as she pranced on a small female who had her teeth lunged into Heather's hide. One bite and the wolf went limp. Her inner human jumped with pride and after a blink she took off for her next target. The large wolf looked over and rolled his eyes. With a sneer he twisted his body, shrunk low to the ground, and pushed himself behind her. Thinking he was in control, the brown wolf went in for the kill, but was surprised when the smaller wolf pushed herself not even an inch to the side and bit down. He twisted in her grip getting free, but fell to the ground at the pain in his back leg. Blood dripped from large gash right about his left thigh. Looking up he saw the lust to kill in his opponents eyes. One blink and Faith lunged, her prey's life ending after one swat.

Eric watched from ontop of another dead wolf as Lex fought against Damien. The two had been going at it for hours, neither one of the alphas giving up. It tore him to pieces not being able to help his friend, he could see it now, the two of them slicing through Damien's fur and skin, blood spewing into their mouths and all over the floor. The thrill at watching the light in his eyes dim until his large frame went limp, never to move it again. The though made his heart race with joy, and all around him his pack began to register what he was feeling. But he couldn't.

Amberley was everything to him. She practically raised him as a pup and would do everything in her power to protect him and the rest of the gang. He lost her twice, and now finding her, the thought of saying goodbye a third time would be to much to bare. And he could see it.

When ever she looked at the alpha, pissed or not, part of her cared for him. Eric had seen what is was like to be betrayed and the result being the loss of a mate. She would never forgive him...he needed her in his life.

Shaking his head, he pushed his wicked thoughts from his head and headed back into battle.


Slamming the door shut behind her, Klaire moved back into the hallway finding Victoria with the same look of disappointment on her face as the last three doors. Lillian was no where to be found.

"Maybe your wrong."

"No! She's here, my gut says she is and I'm going with my instinct!"

"Oh my god!" Victoria smacked her forehead and dropped to the ground with laughter.


"I'm so stupid, here he are searching through this large a$$ house, wasting the precious time we have, when I could have solved this problem along time ago."

"What do you mean?" With a smile, Victoria tapped her temples. Klaire stood staring for a while until it finally clicked. "The link?"

"Yupp! Just make sure no one sneaks up on me."

"Will do, keep werewolves away aye!" With a smirk Victoria closed her eyes and began pushing through all the links of her pack mates.

Watching from against the wall, Klaire began to feel a tight squeeze of jealousy. The link, and internal communication that aloud a pack of wolves to talk amongst eachother through their minds. Only those belonging to the pack could listen in. A gift from the moon goddess, bestowed upon the wolven race. Something humans only wished they could do, something Klaire wished for. She was different from the pack, and she wished it wasn't like that. The pack loved her sure, but it wasn't the same. She could have found Lillian the moment she woke up, but when it comes to the packs problems, she really was worthless.

"Don't think like that..." She whispered to herself as she began looking around the hallway. Straining her eyes, Klaire peered into the darkness hoping nothing was lurking within it and was happy when only silence replied. She was about to sit down when a slither of pain sliced through her chest. The word around her paused for a second and a wave of anguish crashed onto her soul. Her legs gave out and next thing she knew she was on the ground screaming.

It felt like her body was being burned while at the same time, the pieces of her heart were being peeled away revealing the small light deep within. Like someone was pulling at the sems, taking her soul apart piece by piece, her head spinning as a hammer was slammed against her skull again and again.

Lying on the floor, Klaire's vision began to slip away, her focus quickly fluttering away. Darkness closing in fast, she let a few tears slip out as one word crossed her mind.

One "Dead" Alpha: CrossfireWhere stories live. Discover now