Reject By One As Alpha

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"Klarissa..." A low voice purred. Klaire looked up from the letters in her hand and locked eyes with a bare chested Mark. He was leaning against the door frame with his arms folded against his torso, the muscles in his biceps bulging, and at that moment Klaire wanted nothing more then to feel them tighten around her toned body.

"Yes?" Hiding the blush in her cheeks, she pushed her focus back to the work at hand.

"You've been locked in here for almost five hours, and I know you didn't eat lunch. Don't you think you should stretch your muscles or at least get some fresh air?" Mark slid into the large beige room and slipped into a leather chair, kicking his feet onto the desk once he was comfortable.

"I can't. Letters are just flooding in. How the hell does news of a man's death spread so fast? It's like the whole world knows..."

"What are they asking?"

"How did he die, is his daughter taking over, does she have a mate, when is she taking over, was his death an accident or was it intention-"

"Klaire." Mark grabbed a hold of her arms from across the desk and gazed at her with worried eyes. She was radiating with stress.

"Why can't they keep their damm noses out of our business. Don't these wolves have their own packs to deal with?"

"We are one of the strongest and well respected packs in America. A lot of alphas had looked up to Anthony, and his father, in the past. They are just curious as to what's going to happen next."

"I don't know what's going to happen! This pack is screwed up," Mark flinched at her harsh words, "The alpha is dead, his daughter is locked in a room, the pack is currently being ran by a human, and half of the gang is on strike. I don't know what to do any more Marcus!" His full name rolling of her lips pained him, "I know it would be bad if word got out about our state, and because of that I'm working hard, but that's all I got! I'm not an alpha Mark, hell I ain't even a wolf. And-"

"For reading letters you sure are panicked..."

"I miss Lillian okay. And I'm struggling between my duties to her and to the pack. "

"What do you mean?"

"I should be there for her. I should be comforting her and doing what ever she needs as her best friend, but that's not what this pack needs. I know you need an alpha, a male alpha not her. I know my duties right now should be cooking something up in order to find her mate so the pack will feel stable again, but that is not what Lilli needs. The pack needs something she does not. What do I do?"

"Talk to her about it."

"Mark," Klaire paused and took a few deep breaths. She wanted to find Lillian a mate, but she had a feeling her friend would be against it. Alphas were always dominate, they needed control; over their pack, territory and even their mate. Lillian was nothing but a free spirit, it was rare for her own father to control her, most of the time he would just work around what he needed and make it seem like his daughter was getting something out of it for herself. A mate would be the last thing she would consider she needed. A mate meant she would lose her control, and that was something Klaire knew her little alpha would never comply with, "Are you sure you can't just slip into the position?"

"No, my responsibility to the pack is as their beta. I am here to advise the alpha and help them with what is needed."

"What alpha!?" Klaire screeched. She was slowly loosing the hold on her anger. Everything was moving in the wrong direction. She just wished Lillian would get over her father's death and take over.

"Listen to me."

"No Mark. You don't under-"

"Shut up!" He yelled, causing the blonde in front of him gasp, "You are in charge right now. If the pack doesn't agree with it, they can get over themselves. Do you think I just let you take over? No, Anthony knew something could happen to him, and he knew Lillian would be unreliable. She's to emotional for this kind of stuff. He chose you Klaire. This was on our alpha's call. If the pack doesn't like it, well who cares! I am going to support my alpha on this. You are in the postion, there is a reason he trusted you and therefore I am going to give you my support. If you really want out of this, then find Lillian her mate, and he can take over." Tears sprung to life in Klarissa's eyes making Mark instinatly regret the tone he had used with her. "Klairey..." His voice was soft causing Klaire to hurt even more.

One "Dead" Alpha: CrossfireWhere stories live. Discover now