Let The Wall Fall

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"Klaireee..." Damien whispered, dramatically stretching out the 'e'. He smirked as she rolled over on her side of the bed with annoyance written all over her face.


"Don't what me!"

"Go away Damien, I'm trying to sleep."

"Please," He sighed as he rolled onto his back, "After what happened a few days ago, I'm not ever leaving your side."

"Over possessive much?" Klaire snarled as she sat up from her bed.

"Yes I am, why are you being so rude this morning Klarissa?" The joking atmosphere vanished instantly.

"Sorry it's how b¡tches are..."

"Are you seriously bringing up that?"

"I am glad to have you back, I will admit to that, but you are still going to pay for that comment."

"What if I could make it up?"

"I don't see how that's possible..."

"Go check out your old room. There's someone in there that wants to see you." At his words, Klaire shot off the bed with her eyes wide open.

"She's here?" After she felt her mate die, Lillian had been pushed aside. She had no clue as to if Victoria found her or not, and after they left the battle, Damien refused to let her go. Part of her wanted to continue the search, but her stronger half was no where near ready to leave the alphas side, and as much as she begged for information, Damien had not once budged.

"Yes, go see her." He smiled softly. Hers grew twice the size and next thing he knew his eyes were following her as she ran from the door.

Running through the hall, Klaire darted past all the doors till she was in front of the one she use to always walk through. Her fist was inches away from the door when she stopped. I left her to die... The words were spinning in her head. I completely said screw her and went after him...she has always been the one who was there... Klaire stepped back suddenly. She chose Damien over Lillian, and she was terrified to see how she would react when they were together. With a sigh, Klaire spun on her feet, coming face to face to fiery green eyes.


"I was wondering when you were going to come see me."

"I'm sorry..." Tears filled her eyes and she looked over her friend.

"Klaire..." with a sad smile, Lillian shook her head and pulled her sister into her arms, "I will never hate you. He was dying Klaire, he needed you by his side."

"But...I should have gone after you...I should have saved you...I...I-"

"You did save me, you saved me by giving my brother the strength to kill that monster. I will always love you Klaire." There were no more words. All Lillian could do was stand there as Klaire finally let down her wall. "Now," Lillian wiped away the tears streaming down Klaire's face, and tucked the stray strands of blonde hair behind her ears, "I know there are things my brother needs to discuss with you Miss Luna. Go and speak with the beast, and then come find me later."

"No, he can wait, right now I want to be with you-"

"Klarissa," the tone of her voice was strange, Klaire had only heard it a few times, but she knew she was not going to win this little battle, "I felt the pain you were in, and I had witnessed it before in my father. I want you to be happy, and to be honest I think I would have been heart broken if Damien really had left us. You and him are the only family that I have left. Never forget that. I love you, so much that I wonder if my goddess actually lead you here as a gift to me. Now go, he's waiting."

"Are you sure?" After everything she had just admitted, Klaire was unable to believe that Lillian didn't want to spend the rest of eternity with her.

"Yes, he needs you."

"Alright, I love you Lillian."

"And I you." Watching Klaire leave, Lillian forced a smile and waited till she was out of sight to continue her link.

Are you sure, I know it hurts but I mean...I am just worried you aren't thinking rationally here.

I have to leave, the only thing that was holding me back is no longer here.

Please reconsider, there are others here for you.

No, he sighed mentally, It's too late, but don't worry, everything will change for the better later, I promise.

Alright, but please be safe, she really would die if she found out you were no longer with us.

I promise. Goodbye Alpha.

Goodbye Beta. Ending the link, Lillian walked into her room and crashed onto her bed. Her eyes slowly drifted shut and she drifted off into the darkness.

One "Dead" Alpha: CrossfireWhere stories live. Discover now