Monster Babies

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(A/N: Yes I put it random order because I like it being random my guy.)

(Twinkle in distance)

Alice: Old and moldy? [Wand twinkles] [Puff] Cute as new. Daddy long legs. Cutie long legs!

(Tapping on stones)

Alice: Ugly Christmas sweater.

Adorable cat sweater for cats!

(Sweater meows)

(Various cute things dance around)

Alice: Ah-ha-ha-ha! My name is Alice Fefferman. And I can make anything cute! [Gasps] How'd you get in here?

(Alice transforms a regular mouse into a cute mouse)


Susie: Eh, I dunno. Enchanted house stuff's kinda last century, in my opinion.

Alice: Oh, you're so right. I need to challenge myself. I need to find something insanely ugly!


Freddie: Eggs, mini pizzas, brie, uh... Oh, Hot cross-buns!

Alice: Hi, ugly monster! Hello!

Freddie: No, no, no, no! I'm having a panic attack! [Breathing Heavily] I'm having a panic attack! [Roars]



(Freddie is transformed into a baby)

Alice: Ah-ha-ha-ha! My name is Alice Fe--

Pepper: [Gasps] He's so cute! Can I have him?

Alice: Yeah, sure.

Pepper: I'm gonna name you Boof Macaroni.

Alice: This is the challenge I needed! I made that monster so cute, and it only took 3 seconds to do. If I can turn a whole herd of monsters into babies, the world would be 52% cuter in eight shakes of a lambs tail!

(Door Opens)

Susie: I hear you doing maths! [Angrily] You're rubbish at maths. What's going on out there?

Alice: -Well I --

Susie: -Too slow, I lost interest.

Alice: Phew. Now I just need to find more monsters. But, they really do hate me.


Howard: Okay, Oscar. Can you tell me what that is?

Oscar: Those are pupperweeds. Their sap heals emotional wounds.

Howard: -And that?

Oscar: -That's a poisonous gut-shroom! Never touch its gut.

(Gut-shroom whimpers)

Howard: Congratulations, Oscar! You've officially passed the Monster's Wilderness Survival course.

Oscar: Where'd you guys learn this stuff?

Howard: We're educated monsters oscar we all have our PhDs

Alice: Monster, monster, monster, monster!

(Monsters run away)

Oscar: Oh, hey! Huh?

Alice: Aww. I was gonna invite all your monster friends for a tea party, but I guess they hate me.

Oscar: What?! No way! I bet they're just shy. Don't worry. You put the kettle on and I'll go talk to them!

(Alice laughs)

Summer's is gonna be very intriguing this year (A summer camp Island fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now