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     A week later the team landed at Los Angeles International Airport. They were greeted by Tibbles and a special bus with the words Team USA and Hendrix Apparel emblazoned across its sides.

     Before they went to the hotel, however, they detoured through Beverly Hills. Expensive sports cars raced past them on Rodeo Drive. And on every street corner, peddlers hawked maps to the homes of the stars.

     Gordon and the kids were dazzled.

     Finally the bus pulled into the Los Angeles Coliseum, where a special media event had been scheduled to introduce all the teams participating in the Junior Goodwill Games.

     Through the windows of the bus, Gordon and the kids saw a banner stretched out across the road.

    Los Angeles-Junior Goodwill Games Welcomes You.

     Just outside the main entrance to the coliseum were dozens of local television news vans with satellite dishes on them.

     Gordon, Michele, and the team climbed out of the bus and followed Tibbles into the coliseum. The stadium was thronging with all the activity of a major convention. There were welcome booths, administration tents, banners, and flags everywhere.

     Two teenage girls excitedly approached Luis and Dwayne and asked them to sign their programs. It didn't take long for the boys to get into the swing of things. Soon they were signing programs and talking to fans like old pros.

     Portman had just finished signing a program when he looked up to see a boy his own age dressed in oversize jeans and a hooded sweat jacket staring at him.

     "You want an autograph?" asked Portman. The kid shook his head disgustedly and walked away.

     Tibbles ushered Gordon and his team into the Team USA press tent. The tent was ablaze with TV lights. Immediately a mob of reporters and photographers descended on Gordon. Tibbles tried holding the reporters back and guided Gordon to the center of the tent, where an attractive woman in a business suit waited.

     "Gordon," said Tibbles, "this is Marcy Hendrix, president of Hendrix Hockey Apparel."

     Gordon held out his hand. Ms. Hendrix ignored the gesture. Instead, she looked him up and down.

     "You have nice skin," she said bluntly. She had not meant it as a compliment.
     "Thank you," replied Gordon uncertainly.

     Ms. Hendrix turned abruptly to Tibbles. "Make sure you get pictures of him with the bear." Then she pushed past the reporters and out of the tent.

     Suddenly Gordon felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, expecting to see a reporter. In stead, he saw a six-foot-tall white furry polar bear standing straight up on its hind legs. It was the team mascot. The bear threw its paw around his shoulder.

     Gordon blinked as dozens of flashbulbs went off around the tent. Tibbles stepped forward.

     "Here they are," he announced proudly to the reporters as they shoved their microphones and tape recorders forward. "TEAM USA HOCKEY." He slapped Gordon on the back. "And here's the man chosen to lead them to the gold. Gordon Bom bay, formerly of the Mighty Ducks, now the youngest man ever to coach Team USA." He leaned and whispered, "Big smile, Gordo."

     "Gordo" smiled as more flashbulbs went off.

     A reporter shoved her microphone into Gordon's face. "Most people think it would be a miracle for Team USA to grab a bronze," she said, "let alone a gold. What do you say?"

     Jesse jumped in front of Gordon. "I say most people are fools," he shouted. "Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!

     Another reporter stepped toward Gordon with his microphone.

     "The Vikings from Team Iceland are the heavy favorites," he said. "Their coach all but guaranteed victory. How will you handle them?"

     There was a momentary pause. Tibbles watched Gordon expectantly. Gordon pulled the mioro phone closer to his face.

     "We'll handle them the old-fashioned way," Gor don promised. "Hard work. We'll work hard, we'll play hard, and we'll stick together. Iceland might be tough, but we're Team USA and we're going all the way!"

     The kids cheered. Tibbles threw Gordon an en ergetic thumbs-up.

     "Team USA is going down!"

     A silence came over the room. All eyes turned to the back of the tent. A tall man with slicked back hair was standing alone at the back of the tent. He was wearing a Vikings windbreaker.

     "Team USA is going down," he repeated for the reporters. "That is where they are going."

     Before the reporters could reach him for further comment, he stormed out of the tent.

     "That's just the Icelandic coach, Stansson," Tibbles whispered to Gordon. "A little high-strung."

     Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Stansson?" he asked. "From the NHL? Wolf 'the Dentist Stansson is coaching? You didn't tell me that."

     "That guy was a dentist?" asked Ken.

     "That was his nickname," Charlie explained to the others. "He played pro for one year. He collected more teeth than goals. He even punched his own coach. They ran him out of the league and the country."

     "I heard he went home," said Julie, "but lost his eligibility to play on the Olympic team." 

     Charlie shrugged. "I guess coaching is his only way back into the game," he said.

     Gordon overheard what Charlie said. Maybe he and Stansson had something in common, after all.

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