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     USA BLANKS AUSTRIA, 4-0! screamed the newspaper headline.

     Playing flawless hockey, Team USA had won a crucial game and now was only one win away from going head-to-head with the Vikings. The old Ducks magic was back, Gordon thought. But would it last?

     After the game with Team Austria, Gordon and his players gathered in the locker room to watch a videotape of the Vikings' last game. Charlie stopped the tape after each play while Gordon diagrammed it on a blackboard.

     By the end of their session they understood the Vikings' strategy inside and out. The next day, as Team USA was suiting up for a critical game against Team Russia, the lockerroom door opened, and Gordon walked in with a surprise guest. A hush fell instantly over the locker room as the kids recognized who it was: Wayne Gretzky.

     "The Great One!" Charlie shouted excitedly. The team noisily huddled around Gretzky, yelling and cheering.

     "You guys aren't so bad yourselves," said Gretzky, returning their compliments. "Now that Canada is out, I just wanted to say Go, Ducks."

      "Can you sign my stick, Great One," asked Banks, awestruck.  "I mean, Wayne... sir... Mr. Great One?"

     "Sure, Banks," said Gretzky. He signed Adam's stick on the blade.

      Banks was taken aback. "You know who I am?" he asked.

     Gretzky gave him a “duh" look and pointed to his name stitched onto the back of his jersey. Banks blushed red with embarrassment, but everyone laughed.

     Thirty minutes later, Team USA took the ice against Team Russia. By the middle of the third period of this tightly contested match the teams were deadlocked 3-3. It was about then that a Russian player missed a slap shot and acciden tally high-sticked Averman, who went down hard against the boards. Penalty. Power play to team USA.

     Deciding it was time to introduce their new se cret weapon, Gordon sent Russ out onto the ice. After controlling the puck, Dwayne flipped it to Jesse, who passed it to Russ inside the blue line. Russ wound up and let loose with the knuckle puck. The puck skipped off the ice and wobbled in a looping arc toward the net. The Russian goalie made a grab for the puck, but at the last second it dropped like a brick and skipped into the net.


     Then the buzzer rang, ending the game. Team USA 4, Team Russia 3.

     The audience went wild.

     Gordon and Michele hopped up and down and hugged each other. It was pure pandemonium. The arena was rocking from fans stomping their feet. Everywhere people were waving flags and cheering, "Go, USA! Go, USA!"

     The stands were a sea of happy, smiling faces, except for two notable exceptions: Wolf Stansson and Marria.

     Neither one was in the mood to celebrate. Atleast, not yet.

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