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     Before turning in that night, Guy, Ken, and Averman decided to have a little target practice. They filled up a bucket of water balloons and tossed them out the window. They were trying to hit players from the other teams as they came back to the dorm.

     Connie and Julie turned in early that night. They were exhausted from the events of the day and had to rest up for Sunday practice.

     Just after they flicked off the light, however, they heard music outside their window.

     Connie opened her eyes wide. "Gianni!" she exclaimed, breathlessly. "I knew he'd come!"

     Connie excitedly jumped out of bed and ran to the window. The handsome captain of the Italian team was standing in the courtyard below her window, strumming a guitar.

     Connie thought back dreamily to the first time she had seen him. It was in the staging area at the coliseum. She was standing next to Julie when Gianni threw her a big smile.

     "Haloooo," crooned Gianni, looking up at Con nie. "Please . . . what is the name?

     "Mi chiamo Connie," she answered in phrase book Italian.

      "No, no," said Gianni, a bit confused.

      "Si, si," said Connie, nodding. "I am Connie."

      "Not you, signorina," pleaded Gianni. "The other."

      Connie was confused. Julie appeared next to her at the window.

"YOU!" Gianni exclaimed gleefully.
"Mi amore! What is your name?"

     Julie was bewildered. "Julie," she answered tentatively. Gianni responded to Julie's quizzical look by breaking into song. Julie blushed. She was so embarrassed. She also felt bad for Connie.

     Connie lowered her head and moved away from the window.

     "Hey, Connie," called Julie. "Watch this." She leaned slightly out the window. "Hey, Gianni," she called out. "Please back up into the light. I must see you."

Gianni obeyed willingly. Soon he emerged into the building's bright exterior light.

      Julie shouted up to the next floor, "Red alert! Major target below!"

     Ken, Guy, and Averman heeded the alert, and within seconds Gianni was being pummeled with water balloons.

     Both girls laughed hysterically. They smashed their palms together in a victorious high five. Connie smiled. Julie was a true friend, she realized.

     More than that, she was a true teammate.

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