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     The next day Gordon, Jan, Michele, and the team were waiting in the departure terminal at Los Angeles International Airport for the plane that would take them home.

     Finally, the announcement came, and the group headed toward the gate.

     "Ducks!" came a familiar voice. "Ducks! Wait!" They turned. Don Tibbles was running toward them.

     "I have news," he announced breathlessly. "Great news! I got a job with the new NHL fran chise in Anaheim. The owners saw the final game. They really like your style."

     "Well, great," said Gordon.

     "No." said Tibbles. "I mean they really liked your style. And your colors, too! They're going to call themselves the Mighty Ducks!"

     Everyone looked at each other. They were as tounded. The Ducks in the NHL?

     "But they can't do it unless they have your approval," said Tibbles. "They want to be Ducks."

     Gordon looked at his players. "Team," he asked. "What do you say?"

     The Ducks looked at each other and nodded. "QUAAAAACKKK!" They shouted their approval in unison.

     Gordon said his final good-byes to Tibbles and led the team onto the plane. As he took his seat, Gordon wondered what the future held for him. Of one thing he was certain: Even though his knee was completely healed, his days in the minor leagues were over. He was too old for that. But hockey was his life.

     He smiled and leaned back into his seat. He would just have to figure out how to keep it that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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