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     Monday afternoon Team USA was in the locker room preparing for an important game against Team Iceland. Their recent brawl on the beach had shaken their confidence. They weren't certain they could beat them.

     The Vikings had shown themselves to be a tightly knit, well-tuned team. And their coach was with them wherever they went. That was more than could be said about Coach Gordon Bombay.

     Lately the only time Team USA saw its coach was when he showed up for a game. And even then he was usually late.

     Today Gordon showed up on time. He looked different, however. Instead of the relaxed, casual windbreaker and jeans he usually wore to the games, he was dressed in an expensive customtailored Italian suit. His hair had been freshly cut and slicked back from his forehead. And he smelled of cologne.

     "Nice haircut," commented Averman sarcastically. "What happened? You lose a bet?" The kids laughed uneasily.

     "You have a good time Saturday night, Coach asked Fulton. By now everyone knew whom Gordon had been with.

     "Not bad," said Gordon, clueless.

     Just then another Gordon Bombay popped in through the locker-room door. This wasn't a real flesh-and-blood Gordon Bombay, however. This was a full-size cardboard cutout of Gordon, com plete with a comic-book speech bubble that had him saying, "For my players. . . it's Hendrix or nothing!"

     Tibbles smiled proudly at his creation. The kids roared at the sight of the cardboard Gordon.

      Next, Tibbles returned carrying a huge trading card that featured a photograph of Team USA. The kids were astonished to see themselves repre sented larger than life, just like their favorite pro hockey players. Then Tibbles displayed another set of cards. Each one featured an individual player.

     "Upper Deck trading cards, Goodwill series," explained Tibbles. "Collect your favorites. They'll be sold in every convenience store around the country, "
     "Go in for a soda and there you all are," said Gordon excitedly. "Every kid in America will look up to you. 'Hey, I'll trade you a Goldberg for Fulton' "

     "Every kid in high school will know who you are," added Tibbles. "Winners!"

     The kids cheered. They were getting fired up now-fired up to face Team Iceland.

     "Let's win this and make it happen!" yelled Gordon. "TEAM USA ALL THE WAY! USA ALL THE WAY!"

     "USA ALL THE WAY!" chanted the kids. "USA ALL THE WAY!"

     They kept up the chant as they left the locker room and emerged under the bright spotlights of the arena. The crowd cheered as Team USA skated to the bench. Team Iceland had already been in troduced and was waiting impatiently for the game to begin.

     The players looked across the ice to Team Ice land. The Vikings threw back menacing stares. Minutes later both teams were on the ice. Port man was on the red line facing off against Gun nar, center for Iceland. They stared each other down waiting for the referee to drop the puck. "You jumped my teammates, you pay," Portmansaid, reminding Gunnar of the recent fight on the beach.

     Gunnar sneered and replied in Icelandic. Portman smiled. He couldn't understand a word Gunnar said, but somehow he knew it wasn't a compliment.

     Then the puck was dropped. Gunnar moved up for it, but Portman checked him clean, tripping him backward onto the ice. Gunnar lay still. Portman knew it was a fake-out. A whistle blew shrilly. Portman couldn't believe it.

      "I barely touched you," said Portman. "Get up."

      But by then the ref had taken Portman by the arm and was escorting him off the ice.

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