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Draco was just leaving the headmistress office, his weekly meeting with the DMLE had tried him out completely, all he wanted to do was crawl into his bed and try to got a blink of sleep

Unfortunately his fate hated him, he was shoved and knocked down roughly

"I can't believe that they let you back into Hogwarts"

Draco glanced up and saw Seamus Finnigan sneering at him

"Well they let you back didn't they?"

Wrong thing to say, Seamus's foot came in contact with his face and he saw stars for a moment

"What do you say lads, shall we teach this deatheater a lesson?"

Draco knew he couldn't fight back, the cuff on his hand would alert the ministry if he uses any spell to harm someone else

"Lift him up" Seamus ordered

Two other Gryffindors, a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw and even three Slytherins were standing around him

Seamus and someone else who Draco didn't care to learn his name began punching and kicking draco

He just let it happen, giving up he took the blows and hoped that one of them would kill him, he never noticed the small flower ring heating up against his chest


The two students holding Draco up shoved him to the floor, he coughed harshly and his eyesight spun, he felt as if he was going to lose his stomach


Draco slowly lifted his head, the golden girl was glaring at the Irish boy with her wand raised

"Walk away Seamus" she ordered

"Why are you defending him Hermione?! He's a deatheater!" Another voice yelled

"Walk away Dean...now"

Draco heard the ruffles of clothes and noticed that the Irish boy had raised his hand towards Hermione

"Walk away Hermione...you don't need to be here"

"Like hell I'm walking away Sea, this isn't you"

Seamus sent a hex towards her, she put her shield and sent one towards him, her spells were stronger than her housemates and it broke through his shield, Hermione didn't give a chance for the other students to react before blowing them all away, they all ran away and left Draco and Hermione alone

Draco groaned and dropped his head, he heard Granger run up to him

"Go away" he slurred, he heard her huff in annoyance and shuffle beside him

"Come on you fat oaf, I need to get you to the infirmary"

Hermione helped him up and threw one of his arms over her shoulders, his weight dropped and it all landed on her

She swore under her breath while she led an almost unconscious Draco Malfoy to the infirmary

She finally reached the hall and the matron exclaimed before helping Draco into one of the beds

Madam Pomfrey began waving her wand and casting healing spells while Hermione sat beside Draco's bed, her leg bouncing with anxiety

"Who should I call?" The matron asked

"Zabini" Hermione answered

The older witch nodded and summoned her partronus

Draco was too weak to protest and too tired to tell Hermione off

The door was thrown open and Blaise Zabini ran in with Theodore Nott, they both reeked of alcohol and Hermione had a good idea as to what they were doing before getting the patronus

They scrambled to their friends side and checked with the matron in his status, Hermione watched in shock, this new behaviour was bizarre and completely out of the ordinary

"—Miss Granger?"

Hermione jumped and saw two Aurors standing beside her

"Yes? What?" Hermione asked them

"We need you to come with us" one of them said, they grabbed her arm and dragged to her feet

"I can walk you know" she spat and ripped her arm away from them, she glanced back to Malfoy who was watching her with an unreadable expression

Draco watched as the golden girl was led away and he was left alone with his friends and the school matron

"What in Salazar's name was that about?" Theo asked confused

Blaise explained what happened and Draco closed his eyes, his head pounded but not with the concussion he knew he was sporting

But because his worse nightmare came to life

Hermione bloody Granger was the girl who gave him the flower ring he cherished so much, his life just loved to make him miserable, that much was a given

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