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As the days progressed, the rumours and the whispers lessened, but that didn't stop people from asking Hermione idiotic questions such as

"Are you under the Imperius Curse?"

She had hexed at least sixteen people and had gotten in trouble with the ministry each time, ever since she went public with Draco, the ministry had kept a closer eye on her and would interview her every week with Veritaserum, she was very tempted to hex the Aurors but after multiple warnings from Harry, Ron and even Kingsley has made her only daydream of imagining the Aurors running around with bats flying out of their noses

This has also put a damper mood on Draco who would receive sneers and anonymous threats from students and even strangers, but that didn't stop Hermione from cornering him in a dark alcove and reminding him why she loved him, she also showed him her deepest appreciations by doing the things he loved

Draco was sitting in the great hall with his friends and Hermione's — who reluctantly became his — when he received an owl from his mother requesting his appearance at the manor

Draco crumpled the paper and went back to the game of Wizarding chess against Weaselbee

"What was that?" Ron asked

"My mother requesting my appearance at the Manor—checkmate"

"Damn you and your ferrety skills" Ron grumbled and reset the board

"How's Gisella?" Draco asked

Gisella went Beauxbatons and has been writing with Ron the past few days, it been rather uncomfortable watching the red hair wizard light up whenever he got a letter from the Veela

"Mums still throwing her fit and thinks that Gisella is using her 'Veela magic' to seduce me, but Bill has sat down with her and told her what was going on, Fleur has told her that even if Gisella wanted to use her 'Veela Magic' on me it's impossible, she can't manipulate her own mate into submission, but she likes Quidditch and a bigger stomach than I do, and her emotional range is that of Tablespoon unlike mine which apparently is a teaspoon" Ron said

Draco rolled his eyes

"Where's 'Mione?" Ron asked him

"She hates that nickname Weasley" Draco stated

"I know" Ron smirked

Draco rolled his eyes and moved another pawn

"She's in Paris getting her last fitting, she'll be back tonight"

"Well isn't this a nightmarish scene"

"What do you want Theo?" Draco asked

"I received a very odd owl this fine morning, a certain Lady Malfoy as requested that I force the Malfoy heir to the manor, what may that be about?" Theo asked and sat beside Draco, putting an arm over his shoulders and looking at the game

"My mother wrote you?" Draco asked annoyed

"Yes, clearly you've been ignoring her letters? Now, now, I thought you knew better than that young man" Theo tsked in disapproval

"Draco! You're mother wishes to see you" Blaise announced, sitting on the opposite side of Draco and pushing a letter into his hand

"She doesn't know when to quit does she?" Draco groaned

"Draco Malfoy! Why is your mother writing me? Pansy asked

"Has she written all of you?" Draco asked them all

They all pulled out the letters that his mother has written and gave them to him

"Checkmate" Draco said, not looking at the board


"It's annoying isn't it?" Theo smirked

"Bloody annoying" Ron grumbled

"I need to go talk with my Mother, wish me luck" Draco said and left the table, he ignored the looks and whispers as he made his way to the Headmistress's office

"Mr. Malfoy, your mother had requested your appearance" the headmistress said

"So I've heard" Draco grumbled "May I use the Floo?" Draco asked

"You may" she said and waved her wand

Draco grabbed some Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace, he stepped through the green flames and emerged into the Main room of the Manor


He to the entrance and saw his mother entering, a Auror behind her


"Would you like some tea?"

Draco nodded and followed his mother into her tea room, taking a seat he admired the vines growing around the arch, its been a while since there had been any life in the manor

"How have you been? How was Paris?" His mother asked, she was beating around the bush and Draco hated that

"Paris was wonderful mother, and I've been well, now ask me what you really want to ask"

"What are you playing at with Miss Granger? I'm not going to deny the fact that she would be perfect for the Malfoy image, it will certainly fix our name before you find a more fit wife" his mother said

Draco took a deep calming breath

"Mother, Hermione is not a publicity stunt, I am not using to her fix the Malfoy name, that name had been ruined for years and me being in love with her won't 'fix' it"

His mother's hand froze mid air momentarily before continuing to bring her cup to her lips

"And as if you must know...she will be the perfect wife for me, if she'll want to be, and she had become the heir to the Lemaître line" he finished

His mother coughed and put her cup down abruptly before glaring at her son

"Do not lie Draco, the Lemaître family are the purest lines in France, surely they will not taint their purity with a mudblood" his mother spat, Draco slammed the cup on the coffee table, making some of the tea swish out of the sides

"Do not call her that mother" he spat "and I am not lying, she has received the ring belonging to the Lemaître family, the Lemaître family has apparently realized their faults...unlike you" Draco sneered and walked away

"Do not walk away from me Draco! I am your mother! And I forbid you from loving a mudblood!" His mother yelled

Draco ignored her and kept walking

"You leave this manor without saying that you will end the relationship, you will be disowned! Do you hear me Draco?!" His mother yelled

Draco stilled and turned to look at his mother, Narcissa thought she had won and had a smug look on her face

"Disown me mother, but I'm not ending my relationship with her due to your threats" he said, her smiled dropped as he stepped through the flames and back into the headmistress's office

"Professor McGonagall, thank you for allowing me to use the Floo" Draco said and exited the office, he walked back to the dorms and made his way to his room, wanting to be alone, he opened the door and froze when he saw his room covered with rose pedals and a smiling Hermione standing in the middle

"Y-you're supposed t-to be in Paris" he stuttered

"I got off early...and I know it's cheesy but I needed to show you my appreciation for everything you've done for me...thank you" she said, her face turning as red as the petals and she shuffled when he stayed silent for a while

"I-I don't know what to say" Draco whispered

All the anger and disappointment from his conversation with his mother quickly vanished as he walked towards the love of his life and kissed her gently

"Thank you" he whispered against her lips

She just smiled and pulled him closer to herself, showing him just how much she appreciates and loves him all night long

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