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Word has reached me that you have been fraternizing with the mudblood, I want you to stop this rebellious behaviour that is ruining the Malfoy name

If I find out you are still following the mudblood around like a lost puppy I will have to take measures into my own hands and trust when I say...it will be unpleasant for her, you don't want her dirty blood on her hands now do you?

End your relationship with her now Draco, this isn't a request but an order


Draco re-crumbled the letter and glared into the fire

"He is still trying to control me" Draco spat

Blaise and Theo shared a worried look

"Draco—" Blaise began

"He is in Azkaban and he's still trying to control me, how did he even find out?!" Draco yelled

"Davis mentioned that you would pay for your betrayal, I could bet good money it was either her or Bulstrode that wrote your father" Theo said

"Draco he can't do anything to her, he's in Azkaban for life" Blaise stated "you're free Draco, he can't control you, do you hear me, he can't control you" Blaise said

Draco fixed the paper again and reread it again

"Mate, he doesn't have any power over you anymore" Theo whispered

"He'll find a way to hurt her, he—he'll find a way" Draco whispered softly

He dropped the letter on the coffee table, he sighed and closed his eyes

Just when he thought he was free to live his own life his father had to ruin it

He thought to just a few hours ago, he and Hermione were in the studio, the way she looked so perfect under him, how he was so close to kissing her

It was selfish, he knew that, it was selfish to want her the way he wanted her, they were just friends, they could only be just friends, but he couldn't help it, he was a selfish person, and he wouldn't stop being selfish because it allowed him to see the hidden beauty that was of Hermione Granger, she wasn't an obnoxious beauty, more of a subtle beauty, she didn't need makeup to enunciate her best features

It didn't meant anything more than just a mere sexual attraction, nothing else, and who was he to say that Granger felt the same way about him, she didn't, she deserved much better than an ex-deatheater, a blood traitor and a coward

"Draco?" Blaise asked

Draco opened his eyes and looked at his two friends

"Don't do anything stupid Draco" Blaise warned

"Such as?" He asked

"Messing up a good healthy relationship" Theo told him

"We aren't in a relationship, we're just friends"

"Do you seriously still believe that B.S? Come on, Hermione is more than a friend, Draco, I could see it in your eyes, you're attracted to her" Blaise scoffed

Draco clenched his jaw in unexpected jealousy

"Oh...he's jealous about the fact that you can call her Hermione and he can't" Theo smirked

"I'm not jealous" Draco sneered

"Draco...we've been your friends since we were eight, you definitely are jealous" Blaise said "don't try to lie to us, it won't work" Blaise warned him

"I'm not lying because there's nothing to lie about, I'm not jealous because if I were then that would mean I harbour some secret feelings for her which I don't do, Granger and I are just friends" Draco told them

"Who are you trying to convince, us or you?" Blaise asked him

"You" Draco answered

"Sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself" Theo smirked

"Am not"

"Are too"

"You're a child Theodore"

"So you've said"

Draco turned to Blaise

"Will you help me out here?" He ordered his friend

"Sorry mate, even though Theo is very annoying—"

"Feeling the love mate" Theo interrupted

"—He does have a point, it sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself more than us" Blaise finished, ignoring Theo's comment

Draco groaned with annoyance

"You two are wrong, Granger and I are just friends, nothing else, there is no world that she and I would work, there's too much history between us" Draco sighed

Blaise and Theo shared another look, they both knew that Draco was kidding himself even if he didn't know it himself, it was only a matter of time before the dam broke and Draco found a way to mess up a good relationship, it was up to them to make sure they Draco didn't screw it up

Draco was playing with the flower ring, there has to be a way to keep her safe, he was tired of being the reason why she kept getting hurt, he had to keep her safe so that his father wouldn't hurt her

She was his friend, and he always kept his friends safe

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