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Hermione was walking with Pansy and Ginny to their transfiguration class

"Want me to hex him?" Ginny joked

Hermione shook her head

"It's okay Gin" she chuckled

"He's being an idiot like always, just give him a day or two, he'll come back crawling" Pansy smirked

Hermione rolled her eyes

"—You were right—"

Hermione froze along with the two witches

They looked around the corner and saw Draco flirting with none other than Tracy Davis

"With what Draco?" Davis smirked

"With Granger...the truth is...I'm only helping her with this so that I could be there when she makes a fool out of herself"

Hermione felt her eyes tear up, she saw Pansy and Ginny take a step forward but she stopped them, she needed to know what else he would say about her

Tracy turned her head to the side and smirked when she saw the three girls

"Why Draco?" She smirked

Draco dipped his head and brushed his lips across hers

"Because she's nothing but a filthy, useless, pathetic mudblood whose trying to be someone that she isn't" Draco smirked smugly, Tracy smirked in victory and kissed him deeply

"That's it" Ginny growled and pulled out her wand

"Gin—" Hermione began

Ginny sent a instant scalping hex towards Davis and her famous bat bogey hex towards Draco

There were a series of screams and swearing before Draco cancelled the hex and turned to the side, he saw Hermione there and immediately knew that she had heard what he had said

"Granger—" he began

"Don't" she whispered and took a step back before taking off running


Hermione ignored the looks and whispers, she ran out of the castle and towards the Black Lake, she reached the shoreline and collapsed on her knees before sobbing into her hands

"Granger" she head Draco whispered

She stop crying and stood up, glaring at him and getting angrier by the second, the nerve he had to look heartbroken

"Go away" she ordered

"Granger I can explain—"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Hermione screamed and pushed him backwards

"I don't want your explanation!" She yelled "I don't want to hear anything you have to say!"

"Please Granger" he pleaded and took another step forward

"What Malfoy?! What do you have to say?! 'I'm sorry'?! Pathetic! You're so pathetic, you're a coward! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A COWARD!" She screamed and shoved him backwards

He stumbled backwards but took another step forward


"I can't believe I ever wanted to be your friend" she sneered "I can't believe that someone like you would ever change" she spat, glancing at his forearm

She was too angry to see him wince, she was too heartbroken to stop insulting him

"You bastard! I trusted you! I believed you when you said you were sorry! You liar! You just used me! You just befriended me to embarrass me, you haven't changed...you're still that cockroach I despise with every cell in my body" she sneered

"You're nothing Malfoy, you're a coward and I was an idiot to believe that you would change, you will never change" she cried

"Granger—" he began desperately

Hermione pulled out her ring and ripped the necklace off, she threw it to his feet before furiously wiping her eyes

"I don't want to be your friend anymore" she whispered and stormed away, the tears streamed down her face again

She entered the castle and made her way to the eighth year dorms, she ran up to her room and crawled into her bed and cried into her pillow

She felt naked without the ring, and her chest felt hollow without her heart

"Stop crying" she begged herself

Another sob broke out of her chest


Hermione looked over to see Ginny entering the room, Hermione sobbed loudly and buried her face into her pillow

"Oh Hermione" Ginny whispered and got into bed with her, Hermione turned to see her, Ginny brushed her damp hair from her sweaty forehead

"I hate him...I despise him" Hermione sobbed painfully

Ginny didn't say anything, she just laid beside Hermione, not knowing how to console her heartbroken friend



Draco looked up and saw Blaise enter his room

Blaise saw the room totalled, his bed was overturned, furniture was destroyed and shattered to pieces, Draco's knuckles were bloody and his mark was violently scratched

Draco sobbed again and looked down at the ring that he had given Hermione, he brought it to his chest and hit his head against the wall

"I'm such an idiot" he sobbed

Blaise came and sat across from him

"Draco—" Blaise whispered

"I'll never change...I-I let my father win" he cried

His arm burned, it was phantom pain and right now it was on his arm and in the hole in his chest where his heart was supposed to be

"Draco" Blaise whispered

"I called her a mudblood Blaise!" Draco yelled "I called her the very word that my aunt carved into her arm in my childhood home while I stood around doing nothing! I DID NOTHING!" He screamed loudly

Another loud sob broke through him

Blaise didn't know what to say, he's never seen his friend like this, so...broken

"I-I can't breath" Draco sobbed, he didn't even try to stop the weakness he was expressing "I can't breathe Blaise...s-s-she helped me breath" Draco bawled

Blaise put a hand on his knee, Draco flinched away from him

"Draco—" Blaise whispered softly

"She helped me breathe...with her—I messed up...I-I—she—" Draco cried broken-hearted

Draco hated the fact that he realized so late that those flutters in his stomach whenever he was around her wasn't because of bad food, or the way his face heated up when she smiled at him wasn't because of bad warming spells, or the fact that whenever either of them said 'just friends' his heart hurt

He hated that he had caught feeling for his friend who he knew he didn't deserve and broke her beautiful heart because he was a coward who took the easy way out and threw her under the bloody Knight bus instead of manning up and taking his fathers abuse to keep her safe

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