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Waking on Christmas morning was abrupt to say the least, Draco had always gotten the privilege of sleeping in until noon, that was until he started sharing the roof with a five year old ankle bitter

"DRACO!" Katie screamed through the door

Draco groaned into his pillow

"I'm still sleeping!" Draco yelled before pushing his head deeper into the comfortable pillow

"MAMA HELEN SAYS NO PRESENTS UNTIL YOU WAKE UP!" Katie screamed and began banging the door again

Draco got out of bed and put on his shirt before padding out of the room, he threw the door opened and Katie was tapping her foot impatiently

"I should put a silencing spell on you, you annoying rugrat" Draco threatened

She stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed his hand before dragging him towards the living room

"You look like you've been trampled by a dozen hippogriffs" Philip laughed before taking a sip of his coffee

Draco looked in the mirror on the mantle, his hair could rival Potter's and he still had sleep in his eyes

"Yes well a certain brat woke me up from a good dream" Draco grumbled as Katie forced him to sit down, he looked around and didn't see Hermione

"Where's Granger?" Draco asked

"AUNT MIMI!" Katie screamed and ran back to the bedroom, Draco glared at the retreating girl

"She's normally not like this, but Christmas is her favourite holiday" Tom said "hopefully next year she'll grow out of waking us up at the crack of dawn" he sighed

Gisella took a seat beside Draco, she looked like she's been up for hours

"Who put salt in your tea?" She asked Draco

"How are you so perky?" Draco sneered

"I like Christmas, I was awake long before Katie was"

"You're unnatural" Draco grumbled

"Tomas Johnathan Davis, you're raising a little devil!" Hermione spat, being dragged by Katie

"Well aren't you merry" Tom smirked, she shot a deadly glare at him

Hermione sat beside Draco, her hair could rival her hair back in first year, she yawned loudly before putting her head on Draco's shoulder

"Not a morning person?" Draco asked

"Not bloody likely, the only reason I haven't hexed that child is because I love her too much" she told him

"Mama Helen we're all here!" Katie announced before sitting on her father's lap

Mama Helen walked in with floating cups of hot chocolate, the cups found their owners before she sat down on the rocking chair

"Okay Katie, now we can open the presents" Mama Helen smiled, the little girl clapped her hands and began handing out the presents she picked out for everyone

The adults opened the presents and they all admired the slippers that Katie had chosen for them

Tom had received a pair of blue slippers with white cotton balls on the top, Katie had also coloured a picture of the two of them riding Archie

"Merry Christmas papa" Katie smiled and kissed her fathers cheek, Tom smiled softly and kissed her forehead

Philip had received a pair of red slippers with Santa heads on them with black cotton balls on the top

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