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James' POV
I entered Target. Gabe was following behind me. Nathan wanted us to buy him some new nerf guns. He claimed that we only had 50 and needed 70 ASAP. So we were here to get 20 more. While walking to find the toys section I saw a beautiful diamond ring. It was so sparkly and majestic! I run over to the counter "How much?", I ask the guy at the counter. "$230", he replied. I payed him the money and he handed me the ring and a receipt. "Thank you! Have a good day!", I say. "You too", he replies. I go back to Gabe. "Really?", he asked. "Why not", I reply. He shakes his head and keeps walking. I follow. After a half hour we find the nerf guns. They had so much. We got two of everything. In total we got 24. We paid as went back to the car. We drove to Nathan's place. "How much did you get?", he asked me. "24", I reply. "Nice", he said. The rest of the day was just filming videos. By now it was 6:30 and I had to go home. "See you tomorrow", I say to everyone. They all said bye. I hop in my car and start driving towards my girlfriend's house. After being on the road for two miles, I reach her house. I knock and she opens the door. "Ready for our date?", I asked. I had the diamond ring in my pocket. (And we can all guess what he is going to do). When we were done with dinner I did something I was too afraid to do before. I went on one knee. "Mary, you are the missing piece to my puzzle. My light in the dark room. From the bottom to the top of my heart, I love you. So, Mary, will you marry me?", I ask. "Awwww, that was so sweet", she said. "But no.". "And you know what else? I am breaking up with you, too. I thought you had the money to afford a nice dinner.", she said. I put the ring back in my pocket and stood up. I slammed (guued) a hundred dollar bill on the table. I picked up my backpack and went to my car. As I was leaving, I saw Mary go to Nathan. That gold digger! Not even asking her if she wanted a ride home, I hop in my car. I start it and drive to Gabe's house, he was sure to support me, right? After a five minute drive, I am at his house. I knock on the front door. He opened it and immediately saw my red eyes. "What happened?", he asked, meanwhile escorting me inside. "I proposed to Mary and she rejected me!", I say. He puts a hand on my shoulder and says "she wasn't made for you". I nodded my head. "Can I stay here for the night?", I ask him. He nods. "I will get you a pillow and a blanket. Be right back. Make yourself at home.", he says. It was only me in the room. I sit on his barstool. He owned the house next to the one Nathan used to own. Honestly, they were identical! He walked back in holding a couple pillows, and a thin blanket from Overnight 24 hour challenge in Blanket Fort.

We had used so many blankets. Gabe and I each kept one. Nathan kept one too, and donated the rest. "You better get some rest", Gabe tells me. I nod. "I will sleep on the couch", I said. "You sure? I have a guest bedroom upstairs", he said. "No it okay", I reply. He nods and puts the blanket and pillow down. "I will make Breakfast in the morning", he said. "Sleep well". "You too", I reply.

Skip to the next morning.

I wake up. I see a note on the table next to some pancakes. All I could think about was my amazing dream. I had met a beautiful girl name Y/N. Her eyes were beautiful. Her face was beautiful. She was beautiful. Her passions and personality were also beautiful. Everything was just perfect. She seemed like an even better version of my ex. Mary was one thing, but Y/N was another. Mary was a gold digger (apparently). But Y/N just wanted someone who was caring. I went over to the note and read it. It said:

Dear James,

I went to get you something. I felt bad. The pancakes are yours. I will be back with Starbucks soon. See you.

From Gabe
P. S. Guu!!!

I put the note down. I start eating. It was pretty good. I get my phone off the counter and go to my Instagram. Apparently I hadn't posted for a week or so. I posted a picture of me and a snake. I commented on it "look at this little noooooooodle". Honestly it was funny. I waited for Gabe to come back as I finished my breakfast and turned my phone off. I sit there on the barstool, waiting. Waiting for Gabe to come back. After only waiting a half hour (and watching Sponge bob Squarepants), Gabe comes back. He was holding two coffees. And there was someone behind him. "Hi James I am back!", he said. "Hi Gabe, who is you friend?", I ask. "Oh, this is Y/N", he answered me.

Chapter: 1
Word Count: 912

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