Broken Bones and Broken Friendships

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A week later....

Gabe's  POV
I had just came back from the doctor. I am welcomed by my least favorite person in the world. Can you guess who? Well some for others might be Delores Umbridge or perhaps Benedict Arnold (American Governor for the Navy that traited the colonists, the Unspeakable Gang lives in the U. S. So). You want to know mine? It was James. You know when I fell about a week we ago because he pushed me into the wall and hurt me. Turns out he broke my leg. How? When he pushed me my leg was the main things that hit into the doorframe. But that did not matter right now. "Thank you", I say to Nathan. He had drove me to the doctor. He had also helped me to pay all the medical bills, which was a lot of money. I also needed crutches. I couldn't really walk because well... I have already explained my problem to you. James comes up to me. Oh no, not this conversation again, my brain comments. "Gabe", James says for the 30th time this week even though the week has just started (It's Sunday). I ignore him this time. "Gabe please, don't ignore me", he says. I begin to walk away from him. I didn't want to hear another word from his mouth today. "GABE!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!", he yells at me. I look at him and gave him a face. "Why don't you just go back to your girlfriend and cry into her shoulders about everything you've done wrong lately, oh wait, you were already doing that", I reply. I might have been a little too harsh, but James already wasn't my friend. He never would, no matter what he did. And also I had probably just ruined it right now and right here.

James's POV
"Why don't you just go back to your girlfriend and cry into her shoulder about everything you have done wrong lately, oh wait, you already have", Gabe says to me. Nathan coms over. "What's going on over here?", he asks us. He had probably heard us arguing. "Nothing",  I grumble. "There is definitely something going on here", he says. "Nothing", I inform him as I walk out the front door. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nathan escorting Gabe to who knows where. I walk to my car and get in. I put my seatbelt on and begin to drive to Y/N's house. I hadn't been able to see her for a while now. I missed her so much. As I continue to drive to my loves place, I hear a strange noise come from the back of the car. I just ignored it. It didn't sound like anything too important to worry about. I continue to drive. I hear the noise again. I once again shrugged it off, as it had only sounded like my imagination. I continue to drive. As I round a corner, I hear the strange noise again. This time I pull over. The noise had sounded like it came from the trunk. I go over. There was only a blanket, Flashlight, and a first aid kit. The blanket in the far right corner with the flashlight right next to it. The first aid kit was in the front. After observing the area of the car for a little bit, I realize the blanket was all lumpy. I swear it was flat when I got in. All of a sudden it moves. I jump backwards, nearly getting hit by a car rounding the corner. I hear an extremely familiar giggle. I pick up the blanket to reveal Y/N. "Y/N!", I say happily. "Hi James", she says with a smile on her face. "Why are you here?", I ask her. "I missed you so much that I had to see you now", she responds. "Oh ok", I reply. I couldn't be mad at her. After all, I was going to see her in five minutes. "Is it comfortable over there?", I ask her. "Well, It's not my preferred place to sit", she responds. I giggle.

"Well. It's not my preferred place to sit", I respond to James's question. James giggles. He was so cute when he laughed. "Would you like to sit in the front?", James asks me. I nod my head. "Follow me then", James says. I follow him to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door for me. Such a gentlemen. "Thank you", I say. He gives me a smile, before going to sit in the drivers seat. James begins to drive us home or at least to my home. I look at him the whole way there. He must have expected me to be watching the beautiful scenery, but the only thing I wanted to watch was him. He pulls into my driveway. Already!?! That was too little time to spend with him. He looks at me and smiles. He gets out and comes around to my side. As I reach for the door handle, he opens it. Causing me to fall on top of him. Our lips accidentally meet. It was the greatest thing I had ever felt. The passionate, yet somewhat soft kiss bought joy to my heart. I didn't rush to get off of him and he didn't rush to get me off of him. Instead, we just kissed. Kissed for a long time. This kiss was beginning to get a little heated. I didn't want to stop though.

Gabe's POV
I get out of the car and thank Nathan for driving me. I look to Y/N's driveway. I saw James's car in the driveway. Then I look at the floor of the driveway and end up awestruck. Y/N and James were in a heated kiss. I just look away. There was one part of me that wanted to mock James because of what I saw. But then there was the other... that felt good for him. And extremely happy for him. Maybe our friendship can change. Just...







Chapter: 9
Word Count: 1030

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