Romantic Getaway

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James's POV
Y/N was on top of me and she was kissing me! The kiss was a bit heated, but I really didn't care. We slowly part for air. I smile at her as I gasp for air. She does the same to me. I look around to see if anyone saw. Welp, I had my answer when I saw Gabe looking away from our direction and walking inside his house. I get up and help Y/N up as well. "Thank you.", she says as I pull her up. "Any time.", I respond. She walks inside, her hand in mine. I follow her. She sits down on a couch and pats the spot next to her. I sit there. I was wondering how to tell her my surprise. Oh, did I I mention that I had a surprise? No? Well I do. "Hey Y/N...", I start. "Yes?", she replies in her soft voice. "I have something to show you.", I say as I pull out my phone. I bring it up. "Ok", Y/N replies as I show her my phone the screen had a picture of a cruise.

The Picture:

The Picture:

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"So.... I sort of planned a cruise.... for... the both of us... that is if you want to come... at least...", I slowly manage to spit out. "W - what? You are kidding!", Y/N says extremely surprised. "I'm not.", I reply. "So you want to come?", I add. "Of course!", she says as she gives me a hug. "Well then its settled!", I respond. I had already texted Nathan about it, but he never responded, so I wasn't sure if I was able to take off. My phone dings. This was probably him.

J Can I have off all next week?

N Why?

J I want to go on a cruise with my girlfriend.

N Fine

"When is the cruise?", Y/N asks. "Well, it starts in 3 days.", I reply. "And ends on Saturday of next week.", I add. "Wow, I better tell my boss.", she replies.

"Wow, I better tell my boss.", I respond. "Did I ever tell you where I worked?", I add as James had on a confused face. "Not that I can remember.", he replies. "Well, I actually work for...

Chapter: 10
Word Count: 401

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll be out with a new one soon.

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Almost there

"Well I work for...", I start. "For?...", James asks. "Well I work for... Preston and Brianna.", I tell him. "What?!? I have never seen you there!", he exclaims. "Yeah because I work night shifts and early mornings.", I reply. "But... then... how did Gabe meet you?", he asks me. I giggle. "I'm his neighbor,  silly.", I reply. He blushes at the name. "Yeah, I guess I sort of forgot.", he replies. "'Sort of'?", I laugh. "Fine, I totally forgot.", he replies. I giggle. "I'm going to call Preston and tell him about next week.", I tell James. "Alright, I've been meaning to go talk to Gabe, so I'm going to go over there.", James replies. "Ok.", I says as I go to my room, which had my cell phone in it. I hear the front door open and close. I call Preston. "Hello, Who is this?", Preston asks. "Hi Preston this is Y/N.", I reply. "Oh hi, Y/N. What's up?", he asks. "So I was wondering if I could take all of next week off...", I drift off at the last word. "Of course! James already told me! Go ahead and have fun. Oh and snap a couple of pictures for me, will ya?", he says. "Alright Preston. Thank you! Bye!", I reply. "Bye", he says. I was so excited. I started to pack a bag. I know it was in three days, but still.

James's POV
I slowly make my way from Y/N's driveway to Gabe's. I knock on Gabe's door. He takes his time to get there and open it.

Gabe's POV
I hear a knock at my door. I sigh. I slowly make my way to the door. I open it to reveal James. "Ugh, not you again!", I say before he manages to spit out a word. I begin to close the door on his face. "Gabe! Stop!", he orders me. I do so. "What!", I yell at him. "I wanted to say sorry... for absolutely everything. I know the more things I say to you, just ruins our friendship even more. And Gabe I never meant to hurt you. I am so sorry for doing that along with everything else. Gabe, you were my best friend and then you brought me to my soulmate and I didn't return the favor, but I did the exact opposite. I am so, so, so sorry, Gabe. Can you forgive me?", he says with eyes full of tears. He was crying as he said this and he only cried when he meant it. "I - I don't know if I can, you did some damage and I don't know if it can be fixed.", I reply. James's mouth opened. "I mean spiritual damage.", I say before he can say what I thought he was going to say. ("Your leg can heal in time.")  "Oh... I am so, so, so sorry Gabe. I never meant to say those things.", he says. "I know you didn't mean to, but you did.", I reply. By now we each had tears down our faces, it was just that beautiful of a moment. "James.", I hear Y/N call. "I got to go.", he says. "Wait. I just want to say, congratulations.", I say as he was about to leave. "On what?", he asks. "On the kiss, you were Y/N's first kiss and boyfriend.", I reply. He smiles. "Thanks.", he says as he walks off with a large grin on his face. I sigh and close the door. Boy was James lucky.

James's POV
I walk away from Gabe's house very pleased with myself. I was Y/N's first kiss and boyfriend. Wow. "Hi Y/N", I say as I walk to the front door. "Hi James. Why are you all happy? Did Gabe forgive you?", she asks. "That and I also learned something too.", I reply. "And what may that be?", she asks. "I am your first boyfriend and... that was your first kiss.", I reply with a large grin on my face. "Did Gabe tell you that?", she asks. "Yes", I say as I nod. "Well, then he certainly does know me.", she replies. So it was true, Gabe was not lying. We sit on the couch and begin to chat about the first thing that came to out minds. We eventually talk about what Gabe had said. "So what did you say?", Y/N asks. "Well I said 'I wanted to say sorry... for absolutely everything. I know the more things I say to you, just ruins our friendship even more. And Gabe I never meant to hurt you. I am so sorry for doing that along with everything else. Gabe, you were my best friend and then you brought me to my soulmate and I didn't return the favor, but I did the exact opposite. I am so, so, so sorry, Gabe. Can you forgive me?'. And then he replied with 'I - I don't know if I can, you did some damage and I don't know if it can be fixed.'.", I reply. We continue to chat about the conversation. After a couple minutes I begin to drift off. "Hey James. James? James! Come on James wake up!", I hear Y/N say. "I am awake", I mutter as I sit up straight and rub my eyes. "So do you want to see the letter or not?", she asks me. "What letter?", I reply. "You remember the letter that Gabe sent about you. Like I showed it to you about a week ago.", she says. "Yeah I remember that.", I reply. "Well, Gabe sent another thing about you like a month ago... and I thought you should read it.", Y/N says as she hands me a piece of paper. I begin to read it.

Dear Y/N,
I'm starting to think that James is your soulmate. You guys should meet soon. I think he should be your boyfriend, just saying.

With Love, Gabe

I hand the letter back and smirk. Gabe had put my life together. This was truly the greatest life I could of ever had and it was all because of Gabe and his stupid (But Brilliant) ideas.

Chapter: 11
Word Count: 1056

I told you it was coming out soon.

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