The Boss is Mad

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A week later...

Y/N had agreed on a date. I was currently going to pick her up. I look at the houses. Nathan's old house. Gabe's house. There it is! Y/N's house! I stop by the road and honk my car. She was on the porch staring at her phone. She probably didn't hear me, so I honk again. She looks up and sees my car. She smiles and I unlock the passenger side door. She opens it and gets in. "Hi Jamesie", she says. "Hi Y/N", I reply. She started a new thing that she called me Jamesie. She thought it was cute, so I didn't argue. I put my arm around her shoulder. "Where to?", she asks me. I forgot we were actually here. I was lost in her e/c eyes. They sparkled in the shine of the morning sun. She pecks me on the cheek to make me realize she was talking. "Where we going?", Y/N asks, for what I guess to be the second time. "It is a surprise", I inform her. "Ooooooooooh, really though where are we going?", she questions me again. "I can't tell you", I reply. "Aww", she says. I saw cute little puppies on the street. Who can't say they aren't cute? Probably cat people, not naming names, Nathan. Y/N went on her phone for a little. I parked the car in Nathan's driveway. "Why are we here?", Y/N asks me. "Welcommmmmme to prank-fest", I say in announcer voice. "Yay! We pranking Nathan?", She asks me. "Obviously", I say as I unlock the car and get out. I go to the trunk and take out a camera, a big bag of balls, and he indestructible cube that Preston sent back. "What is that for?", she giggles as she points to the indestructible cube. "I don't know, I just bought with me", I reply. She giggles again. Her laugh was beautiful. We sneak inside and I start recording. "Hey guys, it is James and today, I am with my girlfriend", I start as I show Y/N. "And we are going to be pranking Nathan", I add. "For our first prank we are going to fill his room with ball Pitt balls.", I say to the camera. Luckily, Nathan was out at the gym with Gabe. We fill it up. And yes it took nearly a half hour. "Alright guys it has been a while, I am sweating and now we are done", I say. "You really had to mention that you were sweating?", Y/N asks me. "Yeah, obviously", I tell her. She snickers. I sow the camera the room. "On a scale from one to ten how did we do? Comment it down below.", I tell the viewers. I hear the door. I tug on Y/N's arm to single for her to follow me. She does and we hide in Nathan's wardrobe. Nathan enters the room. "WHAT THE FLIP!?!", he yells. I let out a little laugh. Luckily, Nathan didn't hear. He leaves the room. Me and Y/N exit the wardrobe. We go to the kitchen and find no one there. "For our next prank we are going to prank both Nathan and Gabe. With...", I say. "This", Y/N says holding up the indestructible cube. "Yep, we are making it into a cake!", I tell the audience. Y/N laughs. "Yeah, it is funny", I agree. I take out some frosting and start putting it on the cube. Y/N and I both laugh a little. Ok, I will admit, a little more than a little. After a couple minutes, I have completely covered the cube in frosting. "Alright y'all, we are done! Let's see what they do.", I tell the camera. I go to get Gabe. "Yo Gabe, follow me.", I say. I knew Y/N was texting Nathan to go to his kitchen. Gabe and I got there before Nathan. Nathan turns the corner and I scram. Gabe looks my way an was about to question my actions, when Nathan called his name. "Hey Gabe, did you make cake?", Nathan asks Gabe. "I uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", Gabe says. "Thanks bro!", Nathan says as he grabs a fork and attempts to lift cake up with one hand. "Wow it is heavy", Nathan says. He picks it up with two hands and goes to eat it. Nathan tries to get a piece out, but is unsuccessful. He tried again. "What did you do to this?", Nathan asks Gabe. "I didn't mak-", Gabe spits out before getting cut off by Y/N putting her hand over his mouth. "What did you say?", Nathan asks. "I didn't make it", I could hardly make out Gabe saying. "Who made it then?", Nathan asks. Y/N's grip on Gabe's mouth got tighter. He clearly was trying to say something, but ended up just pointing towards me. Nathan looks in the direction of Gabe's finger. "Since when were you here?", he asks me. "Wait, where I am?", I ask, trying to play dumb. I had hidden the camera on a table next to me. "My house", Nathan says, clearly not falling for it. "This don't look like your house! Oh wait, yeah it is", I say still acting dumb. "Is this a prank?", he asks me. "A prank? A prank?!? Have I ever pranked you?", I ask. "Eh, only a million times.", Nathan responds. "Oooh, he's got you there!", Gabe says. By now, Y/N had let go of his mouth. She puts her hand back on it. Gabe looks at her and turns his head a little bit to the right. Just like a dog would. "No! No! Stop it!", Y/N says while covering her eyes. Gabe was doing the puppy eyes. Her worst enemy! Gabe laughs. He stops and looks directly at her. She looks directly at him. Gabe, what are you doing?, my brain questions him. "Gabe?", Y/N asks. Gabe was lost in her beautiful e/c eyes. "I need to use the restroom", he tells her. She nods and lets go of his mouth. I follow Gabe. I corner him to a wall when we were out of sight of the others. "Why would you do that?", I ask him. "I didn't do a thing!", he defends himself. I remove my arms and act like I'm walking away. Extremely fast I turn around and punch him right in the face. His back hits into the door frame.

Gabe's POV
My back hits into the bathroom door frame. I was in excruciating pain. I was really going to kill James this time! I swing at him and hit him in the chest. He runs away. I fall to the ground. Ever since James and Y/N became a thing, my friendship with James has been getting worse. I hope we can make it better. Fingers crossed 🤞.

Chapter: 7
Word Count: 1159

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