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I looked over at Gabe. He was staring out the window. "Gabe, why would you do that?", I ask him. "Do what?, he replies, clearly trying to not get in trouble. I pull up to the side of the road. "DON'T EVEN TRY PLAYING SMART WITH ME!!!", I yell at him. He frowns. "Why would you do that", I say more menacingly. He stared at me with horror in his eyes. "James ruined my house and now I won't be able to do anything about it because it is permanent and it is all over my carpet and my hoodie!", he says as he uses his hand to count the things that they messed up. "GABE I DON'T CARE AT ALL!!!! I AM GOING TO SUSPEND YOU FROM WORK FOR A WEEK!!!! NO PAY!!!", I yell at him. He unbuckles his seat belt and attempts to open the door. In a nick of time, I lock it. He stares at me. "WHY DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ME OR WHAT I SAY?!? YOU ONLY CARE FOR JAMES!!!! IT IS GETTING RIDICULOUS!!! I MIGHT AS WELL JUST QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Gabe yells at me. I hug him and whispered in his ear "That is not the case at all, I care so much about you. Please don't quit.". He started to calm down. He hugged me back.

James's POV
Gabe was nuts. Coconuts. (If you don't understand "coco" means crazy in Spanish and nuts describes someone crazy as well. Making him extremely crazy.)
"Are you alright?", Y/N asks me. I nod. I wasn't physically hurt, but mentally. "I need a second", I say. She nods her head and goes upstairs. I grab my phone and quickly text this to Gabe:

Gabe, please answer me. I am so sorry! I didn't mean to ruin our friendship! Please Gabe, stop the drama.

I hit send and wait for a response. A few moments later I hear my phone go ding. I look at the text Gabe sent me.
This is what he sent:

Stop trying to talk to me! I hate you and obviously you hate me as well.

I just put the phone down and sighed. I didn't hate Gabe and besides it was just a harmless little prank. Y/N came back down with something in her hands. "Look at this, Gabe sent this to me about a year ago", she said as she handed me a letter. I opened it.

The letter:

Dear Y/N,

Remember that guy I told you about? The one I work with. I just want to say that he deserves you, not his new girlfriend. Nathan deserves her. Just wanted to tell you that there is someone out there for you.

                Love, Gabe

Wow. Gabe could see the future! "So what do you think?", Y/N asked. I was a little worried about saying this, but I did. "I think - I think you should be my girlfriend", I say with a grin on my face. "And I think you should be my boyfriend", she says back with a smile on her face as well. We hug. I didn't want to let go. She was so comforting. "I love you", I say. "I love you too, James", she replies. She leans her head into my chest and I lean my head on hers.

Chapter: 6
Word Count: 561

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