A Sweet And Sour Day

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Nathan's POV
I hear a loud bang. I begin to walk to the sound of the noise. James runs past me. He had a scared face on as he say me. I go to the place where the noise and come from. I found Gabe, lying there. He seemed to be unconscious. I go on my phone and call James. No, I am not calling 911. The dude will survive. James answers. "Hello?", he says "JAMES AMENDOLA! WHAT IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU DONE", I reply. "Nothing", he says as innocently as possible. "YOU FAT LIER!!!", I yell at him. "What!?! I did nothing!", he defends. "I see Gabe unconsciously the floor and you literally just came from this way!", I yell at him. "What are you talking about?!?",  he yells and ask me at the same time. "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!!", I yell at him. "Ugh, fine", he replies. "What did you do?", I ask. "I pushed him into the doorway", he says. "No way that is it!", I yell at him. "And punched him in the face", he mutters. I was infuriated. I know it is just a ping, but in the face? Is that really appropriate? No it is not! This could have really hurt Gabe. James didn't talk. He was expecting a response. Out of just pure rage, I hang up. I put the phone away and carry Gabe to the nearest couch. His heartbeat was increasing as if his heart was having trouble pumping blood. This wasn't good.

James's POV
Nathan hung up on me or at least so he thought. I heard him struggling to carry something...

Or someone. Hmmmmm, probably Gabe. I made sure that I hung up. I had enough with all the grunting noises. I just wanted to go to Y/N. She had left a couple minutes ago to go to her place. I drive to her house, only to be stopped by a large amount of traffic. Everyone was honking. Everything was so annoying. I rest my head in my hands as I look down. I hear someone honk me and I look up. The person in front of me had started moving. I drive to
Y/N's house with no traffic the rest of the way. I park on the street in front of her house. I go to her door and knock. A couple seconds later, she arrived to the door. She opens it. She had on a bored expression until she saw me. "Hi James", she says happily. "Hi Y/N", I reply. She smiles. I give her a faint smile. I had too many thoughts going through my mind. Am I going to get fired? Is my paycheck going to be suspended? (Not get paid for a while in other words, you would work with no pay). Will Gabe ever talk to me again? My brain continues to go on with questions like this. "What's wrong?", Y/N asks me. "Oh, nothing", I say. I give her a large, fake smile. I know my fake smiles were always convincing. Especially to her. She escorts me in as she closes the door. She hugs me. I hug her back. My phone goes of again. I sigh. You know, the phone always knows the right time to annoy me. "I need to get this", I inform Y/N. She nods and stops hugging me. I grab my phone out of my pocket and answer. "Hello", I say. "JAMES AMENDOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", an extremely familiar scream comes from the other line. "Yes Nathan?", I ask. "GABE IS NOT WAKING UP!!!!!!!!!", Nathan screams at me. "Why don't you scream at him", I say with too much sarcasm in my voice. "DON'T TALK TO ME WITH SARCASM! I AM YOUR BOSS AND YOU SHOULD RES-", Nathan says only to be cut off by me hanging up. "What was that about?",
Y/N asks me. "Just Nathan", I reply. "Ok", she says. I put my phone in my pocket. "Want something to drink?",
Y/N asks. "No I'm good", I reply. "Anything to eat?", she asks. "I was wondering if you want to go out for dinner actually", I tell her. "Sure", she replies. "Shall we go now?", I ask. "I mean if you want", she replies. "Then let's go", I say. Y/N giggles. Boy her laugh though. I walk to the car a little fast. Y/N walks to the car as well. I open the car door for her. "Thank you", she says as she gets in. I go to the other side and get in. I turn the key and start to drive. I knew her favorite restaurant to eat at so that was where we were going. We have a conversation as I drive. Finally I park on the street. "We're here!", I announce to her. She looks up at the restaurant sign. The restaurant was called Grace's. She pecks me on the cheek to say thank you. We go inside. I had made a reservation already, so we were able to go to a table almost immediately. We had another conversation. A waitress came and asked what we wanted. We told her and then we continued our discussion. After five minutes of deep conversation, the waitress comes back with our food. We eat as we pass jokes back and forth. I hear a loud bang out of no where. Everyone goes quiet. I look around. I didn't see nothing out of the ordinary. Then I take a second look, to see that standing there was Nathan. He had flipped a table over. He hadn't yet seen me, but instead just been looking. "I need to go", I whisper to     Y/N. "Where?", she asks me. "The men's room", I reply. "Ok", she replies. I walk to the bathroom as quietly as possible. Nathan was going to kill me. I go in to a stall and lock it. I wasn't going to come out for a little while. I decide to text Gabe to see if he was up yet. Maybe if Nathan knew he would leave.

J Gabe are you ok? I am so sorry! Please forgive me.

I wait for a response. Five minutes later my phone notifies me of a text. He actually responded. I look to see, but it was just my mom saying good night. A minute later, Gabe texts me.

G I'm fine and it is not like you care anyway.

J I care. I 100% care. I am extremely sorry. Please forgive me.

He didn't respond. Well there goes one of my friends.

Chapter: 8
Word Count: 1111

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