Chapter 9

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----| Mumbo's POV|----

Mumbo arrived at the woodland mansion with a sense of hope and determination. It had taken him a day to get here, so he only had ten days, more likely nine, since he'd need one to get home, and he'd probably want a day in case Grian succumbed early.

Xisuma had explained what he had to do. It was extremely risky, but he didn't hesitate. I'm doing this for Grian, Mumbo thought determinedly.

He drank an invisibility potion and put away his sword. He crept through the mansion silently. In the jail, he found what he was looking for; an Illusioner. He waited until the Illusioner left the room- he did not want to risk getting stuck in one of those cells- and then attacked.

It took a second for the Illusioner to realize what was happening, which Mumbo used to his advantage. He took down a significant portion of the Illusioner's health bar before darting away. The Illusioner never saw Mumbo, but he knew he was being attacked. He summoned a few vexes, which Mumbo shot with his bow.

Then Mumbo rushed in again. He managed to get the Illusioner down to half-health. This only made him more dangerous. The Illusioner summoned gray mouths from the floor to surround him. Mumbo vaulted over them and attacked the Illusioner with his sword. But to Mumbo's surprise, his sword passed straight through the Illusioner.

The Illusioner laughed, and appeared behind Mumbo, slashing Mumbo with magic. Mumbo felt his health drop. He could tell he'd been hit with weakness. He jumped out of the fight and ate a golden carrot, wincing as it reminded him of Grian and his love of the vegetable. He pushed aside the thought.

Mumbo threw his sword at the Illusioner. This time, it hit the Illusioner, square in the chest, right as he turned. It destroyed the other half of his health. Unfortunately, it also destroyed Mumbo's sword, but he couldn't afford to let the fight last any longer. Mumbo grabbed the Totem of Undying that the Illusioner had dropped, then took another invisibility potion.

He took a few breaths before heading up to the top of the mansion. His back burned from the magical wound and he felt horrible because of the weakness potion, but he kept going. Grian went through way worse than this, for way longer. I have to keep going, for him.

----| Grian's POV |----

Grian felt happy. He would be okay. If Xisuma said so, it had to be true. Xisuma always knew what he was talking about. Grian was too disoriented to consider whether Xisuma had been telling the truth.

Then, Grian's world fell around him. Grayish-blue. dust and mist swept into the room. Grian started shaking. No, no no, no no! Xisuma had said he was going to be ok! This couldn't be happening! He crumpled to the ground, shivering with terror again. Hopelessness engulfed him.

M-maybe if I go outside again- It had woken him up last time, right?

Grian knew where he was. He found his way outside. He steadied himself and took off. He didn't fall this time, but the mist and dust was still there. Then, he felt it. Something was chasing him. Grian forgot everything else and flew forward, away from it. The phantoms crept back into his reality. He curled up into a ball in the sky and cried. The thing that was chasing him finally caught up, and pain swallowed him whole.

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