52 - These people are gone insane

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"Amy! Wake up! We have reached."

Jason shook my shoulder trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and saw that the jet has landed. I saw slight grease on the window because my cheek was planted to it while I was sleeping.

I wiped the stain off the window using the sleeve ends of my cardigan. Jason chuckled beside me.

"We got to check with some doctor about that drooling problem of yours."

I immediately wiped the dried crust of drool from my face and rolled my eyes at him.

Once seated in the taxi, I rolled my windows down and took a long whiff of the familiar scent of home. I missed being in LA. 

"Did you try calling them after landing? It's 6:30 now. I'm sure they are up, at least the maids will be up. They are okay right?" I asked him tensed.

"I think so." He muttered.

Jason tried the home phone. And some maid answered it and said Peter, Kristina, and the guests were still sleeping.

"Who are the guests?" I asked him hoping it's not Jason's aunt and her bratty daughter.

"Please not Aunt Jo and Beatrice.'' I groaned.

"Don't worry kitty. If it's them we will return to the airport in this taxi itself." He chuckled in response.

"I hope it's Grandpa Stephen,'' I told him. Because even though he isn't very fond of me still he treats me okay, unlike Aunt Jo and Beatrice who make it a point to remind me that I'm a freeloader every five minutes.

As the taxi neared the familiar high-rise black gates I sat upright in my seat dreading if I had to stay with any of Jason's family members during my 5week break.

Damn! God, please give me the strength!

Jason rang the bell and I stood behind him shuffling in my feet. Martha, the housekeeper opened the doors.

She looked surprised to see me and Jason and immediately wrapped her plump hands around Jason pulling him to a hug making me chuckle and the next second I'm also pulled into her bear hug.

"This house looks so boring without both of you." She croaked.

"Did you gain weight, Martha?" Jason asked oblivious to her mood. She looked like she was about to cry! This idiot!

She chuckled at him and gave a playful whack on his shoulder.

"Both of you go and rest for a bit. Breakfast is at 9. So please be ready at that time." She ordered us just like old times.

"Is everything okay? I mean Dad sounded serious when he spoke with me and then I'm not able to reach him."

Martha looked anxious for a second and then she covered it up with a smile. "Everyone is fine. You can talk to         Mr.Brown at breakfast."

"Who are the guests?" I asked her crossing my fingers.

"I suppose I'm not allowed to talk more." She replied uneasily.

What are we in a mystery book now?

I looked at Jason and he too mirrored my worried expression. Knowing that we can't pull any more information out of Martha we went to our rooms.

I thought to take a short nap because I'm back in my room after months and I missed this bed. Well, the short nap turned to a 3hour sleep making me late for breakfast.

I rushed through my morning duties and dressed in a crop top and high-waisted jeans, I jogged to the dining hall. The last thing I want is Grandpa Stephen's disapproving looks or Aunt Jo's snide remarks about my punctuality.

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