13 - I'm here now

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I don't know what happened to Kristina, she didn't particularly love Jessica but she didn't hate her either. She is always polite and cordial. But today I noticed that she ignored Jessica completely, which made Jason angry too.

After Peter and Kristina left for the airport, not wanting to spend another minute watching Jessica and her tantrums, I walked back to Ryan's room with him.

"I hate her so much" groaned Ryan plopping himself on his bean bag as I sat on the other bean bag.

"I know, I wonder what Jason sees in her to date her."

"Even though she is manipulative, arrogant, and irritating kind, she is so HOT like smoking HOT."

"Shut up idiot" I smacked him on his head. Both the Brown brothers are idiots!!

Ryan got a call from Sophie saying she can't come. She has to babysit her nephew because her uncle and aunt are stuck in a work emergency. She promised that she would come first thing in the morning and spend the entire weekend with us.

I'm so pissed right now, Sophie is not coming and all our plans are going into the drain. I hate it when things are not according to plan.

"Come on, move your ass from the bean bag," Ryan said kicking me with his leg, while he was sitting on the other one unmoved.

"Grrr... Idiot. Stop kicking me if you don't want me to chop your head out."

"I'm bored. Let's play call of duty." He declared.

"Do you think anything other than the stupid games?" I'm annoyed at his obsession with games. I can't even understand how he is my best friend when we both love the exact opposite things. I chuckled at my thoughts.

"No, and do you want to play now or not?" He asked me annoyed.

As I don't have anything better to do, I thought I could play with him. After some time of playing, I got bored. I'm not much of a gaming person and the little gaming skills I possess are because of Ryan's love for video games and him forcing me to play.

"Ryan, I'm hungry," I told him.

"You are a pig. You ate 7pancakes an hour back." He stated still engrossed in his game.

"They are very small in size and I'm starving at that time." I pointed out to him.

"And what made you hungry now?" He raised his eyebrows giving a smug smile.

"I'm bored now so I'm feeling hungry again"

"I can't let you eat just because you are bored. Remember you asked me to stop you from doing so because you think you are going to be fat."

"What the fuck man!! Do you want to have some snacks and drinks? Yes or No?" I asked him irritated with his teasing.

"Oh yeah, Ask Martha to make my smoothie." He grinned at me.

I didn't see any maids in the house. I called for Martha but noticed that she was also not present in the kitchen. There are 4 maids in the house apart from Martha and Butler Hawkins.

I could grab some cookies or something for Ryan from the pantry.

I switched on the light for the pantry and went inside searching for my favorite peanut butter cookies and Ryan's favorite Salt and vinegar cookies.

Someone closed the door behind me. I whirled around and saw that the pantry door is locked then suddenly the light also turned off in the room. I dashed to the door.

"Who is it? Open the door!! Jason this is not the time to pull a prank. It's so dark here. I'm scared. Please open the door."

I banged the door continuously feeling scared and angry at the same time. This must be Jason's doing.

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