14 - I know deep down he cares

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After finishing my food, Martha left with the tray. Ryan asked me to get some sleep.

"But I don't feel like sleeping. I'm fine now and bored too." I told him sitting on the bed and removing the blanket from me.

"Please go to sleep Amy. You need to rest. Tomorrow Sophie is coming so we can have all the fun even Karaoke. For now, I want you to take a rest."

I can't help but nod at him. He wished me goodnight and left for his room. I changed my jeans to my comfy plaid pajama pants.

I tried to sleep, but sleep is very far from my eyes. I tossed and turned around in my bed. All I could think was about Jason's angry face as he left the room. I don't want him to stay angry at me.

He loves to irritate me but I know deep down he cares. He wouldn't lock me after knowing about my new condition.

I walked towards Jason's room which is on the further end of the corridor. I walked past the empty and locked guest rooms. I want to apologize to him. As I reached Jason's room I knocked on the door, but there is no response from inside.

I opened the door a little and peeked my head a little only to see Jason coming out of the ensuite with a grey-colored towel hanging low on his waist and water dripping from his hair.

He looked surprised to see me. I went in and sat on his bed.

"Do you know anything about privacy? Why are you here?" He asked me with irritation in his voice to see me in his room.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled

"Get out" he growled at me.

"Hey, I'm here to apologize. Why are you so rude." I crossed my hands in annoyance

"Look who is talking!! First, you accuse me of doing something worse and then come to apologize. I don't want to talk to you. Now get out of my room"

I didn't reply to him and looked around the room. His room was a mix of deep blue and light grey. Different band posters on the wall. His guitar is in the corner. A grey-colored couch and dark blue curtains at the window. His room is clean compared to Ryan's pigsty. A study desk with a black leather chain. His room smelled like rich spice and musk just like him.

I saw him enter the walk-in closet from my peripheral view. I grabbed a magazine on his bedside table. Flipping through the pages. I heard him come out of the closet and turned my head to see him in his black t-shirt and sweats.

"You are still here?" He asked me while getting into the bed. He switched on the tv and started changing all the channels.

"No, I want to apologize to you and I won't leave till you forgive me." I turned facing him and sitting cross-legged on his bed.

"Your bad, I'm not accepting your apologies. I'm busy now, So don't waste your time and get out." He spat out.

If he is adamant then I'm adamant too. I won't leave the room until he says he forgave me.

"Then I'm staying here and watching tv with you." I scooted a little so that my back is in support of the headboard.

"Did you get popcorn?" I asked him.

He gave me an are-you-serious look but when I blessed him with my sweet smile, sighing he climbed out of the bed and went downstairs.

I'm scrolling through my phone when I got a message from Dia, my cousin.

*Hey, how are you? I thought we could do a video call. Are you free?*

*I'm good and you can call me whenever you want. I'm free just watching a movie at home with Jason.*

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