6 - Unending Darkness

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The thick black smoke formed the outline of a hand and started choking me. I tried to inhale the air but the smoke didn't let me breathe in making me cough.

"Amy? Amy?" I heard a voice calling me out faintly from far away.

But all I could hear was the sound of the blaring horn too loud for me to hear anything else. I twisted and turned to hold my hands to my ears wishing that the horn would stop.

I felt someone holding both hands tightly giving me the strength that I needed.

"Amy honey. Open your eyes"

"Kitty wake up. It's just a dream. You are fine. I'm here"

I can hear the voices around me over and over again asking me to wake up. The piercing sound of the horn slowly faded and the voices too. And soon drifted off to unconscious.

I heard someone sobbing, calling my name. I remember that voice. I don't want Sophie to cry. I tried moving my body. To tell her I'm right here and I'm fine, not to cry for me. I tried to move my hand and grasp hers.

"Amy? Amy are you there?" I heard Sophie's panicked voice.

"Doctor, Nurse she moved her hand. Amy moved her hand, " I heard her shouting out frantically.

I opened my eyes with a lot of difficulty. Blinked them a few times to adjust to the bright lighting around me.

I looked at the white-colored walls and then a few chairs against the wall. Machine beeping beside me and so many tubes and wires attached to my body.

A nurse came and asked me my name, and details. I saw Sophie sobbing in a corner, next to her stood Kristina with tears in her eyes. She looked worn out. I gave a small smile to them.

A doctor entered the room. He is in his 50's maybe.

"I'm your doctor Felix Nicholson. Can you tell me what is your name?" he asked me.

"Amelia," I replied the doc hoarsely.

"Can you remember, what happened?" He asked.

"I went to a charity ball with my parents, while returning, a truck crashed into our car, making it roll over"

I immediately remembered Mama.'s face drenched in blood and Dad's panicked voice. An unknown fear gripped my heart.

"Where's Mama and Dad? Are they okay? I want to see them" my voice quivered while I focused my attention on Kristina instead of the doctor.

"Take it easy, You fractured your left hand and have a few broken ribs and you even hurt your head..you are unconscious for almost two weeks now," the doctor replied instead of Kristina.

She just looked at me with a painful face. The silent sobs from Sophie turned to painful whimpers.

Peter entered the room with Jason and Ryan. Ryan's lower lips quivered at my sight. Everyone looked awful except for the doctor who has a neutral face.

There is gloomy tension in the room.

"What happened to Mama n Dad?" I asked this time a little more worried. I can't understand why no one is answering me.

Kristina walked to my side. "I'm sorry," she said, holding my hand, squeezing it, and nodding her head in denial, this time tears raced down her hollow cheeks.

I pulled my hand from her hold. This can't be true. My parents are fine. They probably went home after staying all night by my side. Or they are hurt and are in the next room getting treated.

"What do you mean?" I cried out to her. My body turned cold. I can feel my hands trembling. My lips turned parched and dry. I understood what she said but I don't want to believe it.

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