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"I have a surprise for you❤" I have sent the message to Jason.

"What is it?" He replied.

"It's not a surprise if I tell you.😉"

"Kitty, I can't concentrate on my work. I'm still in a meeting and Charlie is already boring me to death."

"Don't call me kitty. Anyway, since mom and dad are on a trip, I gave a day off to all the staff. I'm cooking dinner for us tonight."

"What the fuck? Don't you dare enter the kitchen?"

"What is your problem? I'm trying to do something romantic for you. You should be fucking grateful."

"It isn't romantic baby. That's a suicide mission. Did you forget the time you tried to bake a cake for my birthday and blew up the kitchen?"

"Chill babe, I have it all under the control. Don't worry about the kids. Oliver is sitting on the kitchen counter and helping me with the chopping. Pastel is sitting in the kitchen sink and licking the cake mix and I'm carrying sleeping Theo in his baby carrier."

"Oh my God! This woman is cooking with my kids in the kitchen! Are you fucking trying to kill our own children? Oliver is 4! Why is he helping you chop? Did you leave my 2year old daughter to sit in a sink? Amy, please listen to me baby, GET OUT OF THE DAMN HOUSE. I'm coming right away."

"Stop yelling at me in the texts. I said everything is in control."

"Jesus Christ! You are crazy. I'm going to DIVORCE you, you crazy woman."

"Stop it, you are exaggerating. All wives cook for their husbands. It's no big deal."

"But remember all the times you blew up the kitchen in fumes, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, woman. I'm going to come home with my whole family up in flames."

"Get lost"

"Listen to me, you psycho lady, I love you even though you lose your shit time to time, why are you even texting me leaving the kids in a sink and with a fucking knife. I'm almost there. Please get out of the house."

I giggled looking at Jason's overdramatic message, kept my phone back on the table, and looked at the kids.

"Let's get dressed, Daddy is almost here."

"Kitty, do you want me to show daddy the card?" Oliver, my 4year old son asked me showing the card he made for his Daddy.

"Yes, dear. Now go wash your hands. Look at your hands with all the color."

Oliver hopped all way to his room to wash his hands. I turned to look at Pastel, my 2year old dressed as Elsa, and playing with her Olaf.

"Pastel, do you want me to comb your hair?"

"Uff kithy, don't disturb me... Olaff was sick."

"Kitty" Jason yelled walking into the living room.

"Jeez, stop yelling. Theo is sleeping." I glared at my fuming husband. I looked at 8month old Theo, sleeping in his baby carrier.

Jason ignored me and dashed into the kitchen. I walked after him, "I said everything is under control."

"I won't believe you till I see the kitchen myself."

"Wow, you have high expectations of me."

"What the hell did you cook? The kitchen is spotless."

"I will let you guess."

Theo woke up from his nap and is now rubbing his eyes with his fists. Jason removed him from his carrier, glaring at me. Theo immediately placed his head on Jason's shoulder snuggling.

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