13- 𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑡.1

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It was Christmas time again before I knew it. This year is already flying by. I wish we could just stay here all year round. I ran to the common room entrance and opened it up to let Cedric in.

"The painting lady was yelling at me the entire time." He grinned at me and I laughed.

"Come on we have to hurry, the carriages leave soon." He nodded and followed me to the twins dorm.

"Took ya long enough." Fred stated as we walked in.

"Relax Freddy they were probably busy snogging." George teased. I slapped his arm and he chuckled. "I'm just joking." He defended himself. I couldn't help but notice Fred wasn't laughing.

"What sticks gone up your bum Freddy." I jeered gaining a glare from him.

"None. We're just going to be late if Ron doesn't hurry his up." We headed over to him and Harry's room to see what was taking him so long. Ron was zipping up his luggage and Harry was sitting on his bed. I noticed he didn't have anything packed up. I hadn't really had any classes with him since he's a year younger but him and ron had become pretty good buddies so he was often around me and the twins. He was very polite and quiet most of the time. He seemed so astonished by everything magical. It's hard to believe that someone that every wizard knows about knew nothing about the wizarding world.

"Are you staying here for the holidays?" I questioned. He nodded a bit.

"Won't your family miss you?" I saw his face fall a bit and instantly regretted my question. I guess I just assumed they would but maybe I'm wrong.

"Saffron." Fred elbowed me and gave me a look.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean-"

"It's okay. Really." He assured me and gave me a small smile. I'll make sure to send him some of my moms Christmas cookies. I send them to all my friends over Holiday. They always make me smile so maybe it'll help. The castle can get a little gloomy when a lot of the students are gone. My owl Achilles came flying in the window and hoo'd at me.

"They must be boarding already." He landed on Cedrics shoulder. I swear that bird likes him more than me most the time. He smiled at him and pet his forehead a bit.

"Well we should get moving than." Percy interjected from the doorway. He eyed up Cedric but ignored it. We said our goodbyes to Harry. I couldn't help but feel a bit sad he was staying here alone. I didn't know him all that well but I honestly would've been fine with him celebrating the holidays with my family. Being an only child is a bit boring sometimes.

"I offered for him to stay with us but he said he didn't want to intrude." Ron spoke up once we were out of the common room.

"Everything's still a bit new to the boy. I'm sure he still just needs time to settle in."  Percy said matter-of-factly.

"Still the castle isn't the most interesting place when it's emptied out." Cedric added. We all nodded but I'm sure Percys right. Maybe some quiet time to himself will help Harry think about everything he's learned about so far. I mean it can be a lot.

We all stepped out of the train onto the platform. The platform that had the saddest goodbyes and the happiest greetings every year.

"So we'll be seeing you two over break then yeah?" Fred looked at me and Ced. We both nodded. I am so excited that Cedric wanted to go to the burrow too. I know Ginny is excited to meet him. I get to see my family and then be with my favorite people during the best time of year. We said goodbye and parted ways for the time being.

𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒐 // Cedric Diggory / Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now