11-𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡

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"Are you nervous?" Cedric asked as him and saffron walked down from the school to the quidditch field. The two had spent all week practicing together. Cedric was determined to become hufflepuffs new seeker. Saffron on the other hand had amazing potential for a chaser. Her reflexes were great and she was quick and sneaky. She really didn't feel like she would make the team just yet but Cedric assured her that she would be a great player.

"No." The girl simply shook her head while practically skipping towards the field. Cedric smiled to himself at the carefree girl next to him. He knew she'd say that. She was a Gryffindor for a reason that's for sure. "Maybe if I hadn't had the best trainer I would be though." She grinned up at him causing him to chuckle a bit. She could've sworn she saw him blush a little.

"A week of training wouldn't help someone who wasn't as talented as you Saf." Now she was blushing. She couldn't help it anytime he complimented her in any way she would immediately feel her face warm up.

"Well I also played a bit with the twins over break. Although I wouldn't count it as practice as it basically turned into trying to hit each other with the quaffle." She laughed a bit thinking about Fred getting knocked in the head. "Speaking of which my parents said they'd love for you to visit anytime during the holidays." She quickly realized he would probably have better things to do then spend time with some second year girl. "I mean only if you want to. They just mentioned it since they met you last week at King's Cross." She rambled quickly before looking down at the ground. There was a pause before she heard him start to laugh.

"I'd love to visit sometime. Holidays get boring at my house." A wave of relief rushed over her and she perked back up again. They arrived at the field and parted ways towards their own house groups.

"There she is!"she looked up and saw the twins calling at her. "The one and only Saffron Barrett." Fred mimicked an announcers voice as she approached them. They were with another guy who looked to be a few years older than her.

"Saffron this is Oliver Wood, captain and keeper of the Gryffindor quidditch team." He held his hand out with a proud smirk. Saffron shook his hand.

"Always nice to meet new talent. What position are you going for?"

"Chaser." She held her head a little higher. Although she might not seem to care what people think she never wanted to seem uncertain.

"She's been practicing with Pretty-Boy Diggory for a while now." Fred teased wiggling his eyebrows at the girl who was now glaring up at him.

"Cedrics been an amazing chaser for the hufflepuff team. Surely he'll make a great seeker. He's the obvious choice this year." Saffron felt a sense of pride for her friend. She was glad to see that the others saw the same talent she did. He worked so hard for it and now it would pay off. "Well good luck. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you today."

"Thank you." He nodded before walking over to the rest of the team.

"Can't wait to have you on the team Saf." Fred grinned.

"Yeah now we get to make sure you don't get slammed in the face with a bludger." George's eyes flashed with a mischievous grin.

"If you do let me get hit I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do." He gulped a bit but she just started laughing, which seemed to scare the boy more.

"Have you heard that Harry Potter is our new seeker?" Fred quickly changed the subject. Saffron's eyes grew wide with confusion.

"But he's a first year?" The twins simply nodded.

𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒐 // Cedric Diggory / Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now