Fuck You

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Author POV


Jimin flinched in his sleep when he heard an alarm ringing near him.

'Who the fuck kept their alarm to disturb me !?
Urghh! Is some bitch forgot her phone here last night?
Gosh I'm gonna chop her- '

As he mumbled in his sleep reaching out to grabbed the phone to turn it off, he knocked off a glass leading it to fall on the ground with a loud crash.

He jumped up in surprised, eyes opened a little adjusting the light.

" Oh Jimin ssi, you woke up, sorry I forgot to turn off the alarm and go to the bathro- "

" Aish! "

He cut him off rudely, the said to be senior which his roommate shut his mouth quickly trying not to pissed off the already pissed boy.

The irritated boy now remembered how he was dragged here yesterday.

' I should be sleeping with some chicks beside not waking up and encountered an annoying oh so SENIOR! '

He mumbled in his breath more irritated by the situation.

Yesterday after giving up, he get inside the room tired from all the drama starting from the morning. He just wanted to sleep and he throw himself at the bed which he assumed as his and drift off to sleep without changing his clothes and organising all his things, only to woke up in the morning at a sound of alarm which he never kept in his 18 years of living.

" Excuse me Jimin ssi, you have to be ready for the assembly, it will be not good if the Student Council members came here to check up. "

Hoseok said to the sleepy boy as a good senior. He did not want him to be punished at his first day.

" Do I look like I fucking care about it!? "

Jimin replied with a harsh tone.

And the senior look at him in disappointment and scold him,

" Look Park Jimin ssi, I don't know what made you behave like this but show some respect! I'm a senior here and also your roomate. I remind you this for your own sake. So please- "

The boy ignored him and walk towards the shared bathroom while yawning.

The oldest in the room sigh and shake his head.

" God please no drama until I graduate. "

He pleaded looking up and walk away
to the main campus to start the day.


After a nice shower and wearing his school uniform Jimin walk inside the big hall since it is near the entrance from the way to dorm and saw a large crowd, voice echoeing the big hall. He sighed, already sick of the long day that he is going to endure. He slung the empty bag on his shoulder and stand far away from everyone with his poker face.

But his alone time were disturbed by hand on his ass groping the cheeks, that makes him gasped loudly and turned towards the culprit to punch whoever that touched the Park Jimin glory ass without his consent. But his hand were grabbed by another large hand before he touch the culprit's face.

" Oops Sexy, why so feisty ? By the way you have a nice juicy ass there. "

Jimin look in disgust at the black hair boy who wear a bandana, taller than him who is giving him a cocky smirk.

" The fuck dude! Get your hands off me! "

He said angrily snatching his hand away from the smirking boy successfully.

The other look at him with an amused smile.

" New face? So... "

He look at the fuming boy name tag on his uniform and said,

" name is Park Jimin. Nice name Sexy."

Jimin look at the boy disgustingly who had a name tag written Kim Tae Hyung.

" Listen here you Gays- "

" yah Kim Taehyung come here quickly!"

Shouted by another student from the crowd before he finished his words.

"Bye hope to see you more around Sexy babyboy."

The Kim Tae Hyung guy said for the last time smirking before he go to his friends unaware of the glared that he was recieved from the fuming boy.

" Fuck you! "

Jimin shouted at the boy recieving a look from some student who heard him while the others just mind their business not hearing anything because of the large crowd.

And among the crowd who heard him, there is Jungkook who glared at him with a hand inside his pocket.

The very pissed Jimin then mouthed at him.

" Fuck you too! "


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Luv ya~


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