You Saved Me - Ally Mayfair-Richards

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tw: Mention of Anxiety/Panic Attacks 

info: (Y/N)=your name; (Y/F/N)=your friend's name


It was such a lovely afternoon and I was looking forward to making myself a cup of tea and start reading a new poetry book when all of a sudden my phone began to ring: "Hello this (Y/N), how can I help?", I asked politely, forgetting to look at the caller's ID. "Hey love, it's (Y/F/N)...I was wondering if you wanted to go to that one restaurant down town with me and a few friends of ours? I know you hate going out in public, but I am really looking forward to you coming since we have not seen each other in quite a while now and I really want to catch up with you! It is not going to be much fuzz, just a bit of talking and a few drinks afterwards. Would you like to join us this evening?", (Y/F/N) asked me and I shuffled around in my chair a bit in attempt to steady my breathing. Only the image of sitting in a restaurant sent shivers through my whole body, but I knew that I could not hide forever. I also really missed seeing my friends, I just grew too comfortable to sitting in my apartment and reading something. After I got a little more comfortable in my new position, I answered (Y/F/N) who was patiently waiting for my response: "Okay fine, yeah, I would like to come. But if I end up feeling uncomfortable, I will disappear. Thank you for inviting me tho, give me the adress and I will be there." (Y/F/N) excitedly gave me the adress and hung up, leaving me to get ready.  I chose to not wear anything too fancy, that would for sure only make me more anxious. I just went with some black pair of jeans, my black converse and a baggy grey hoodie. 


Arriving at the restaurant, I recognized my friends sitting in a litte booth. My stomach twisted anxiously, but I refused to let my anxiety get a hold of me because I really missed all of those pretty faces waiting for me to come closer. My friends mean so much to me, I may not have many but the ones I have are enough company. 

We talked a little while and (Y/F/N) made my order knowing damn well that I would not have liked ordering it myself. I was pretty thankful to have her, otherwise I probably would have stayed in my head a little more afterwards. I looked around a bit and let the whole atmosphere settle in, as I got a glimpse of the most delicate woman this earth carries: A brunette with such a slender but astonishing figure, eyes beautiful as a forest, the warmth of the brown colored iris carving loving shapes into my heart.  I noticed that I immediately began to blush, my cheeks darkening to a bright pink shade. My friend noticed and nudged me, starting to laugh at my face's shook expression. 

I did not care, all I could register simply was her.

The second she met my gaze with her eyes, I felt my whole body tingle. I could tell she felt something as well due to the way she froze in her now slowed down pace, as if she got shivers. 

This was better than Romeo and Juliet, this is our love story and I simply knew it. If this was love at first sight, then I would want to experience it all over again, with her.

But my lingering thoughts soon faded, as her figure disappeared through a door, probably leading to the kitchen. My attention darted back to the round's conversation and I took a sip of my soda.


I felt it coming. I knew it was going to happen at some point, and that was right now.

My friends were laughing, making jokes about some dumb tweets they found on twitter and everything seemed to go good, until a group of four boys came up to us. My friends included them and let them sit with us in our booth, trying to get to know them. (Y/F/N) shot me a sympathetic look knowing pretty well that talking to strangers can be very overwhelming for me and regarding this situation, not only having one stranger but four at the same time, made my hands shake. I noticed how my chest tightened and my breath became pretty unsteady. I excused myself and went to the restroom, trying to prevent a panic attack. 

It took me a while to get a hold of my tears, which I then wiped away with a tissue. Looking into the mirror, I tried to regain my posture and focus on being present. Panic attacks always have that certain affect on me, making me lose my proper vision and cutting of my breathing almost completely, which I still struggled with in the very moment. But as I started shaking uncontrollably, the door opened revealing no other than the beauty I have seen an hour earlier:

"Hey hey hey, shhh, it is okay. You are here, and you will be just fine.", her voice immediately calmed me down by a bit. She locked the door and took another step towards me, placing her hands very carefully on top of mine, trying to steady their shaking. Her thumb rubbed over my knuckles and her honey like, very mesmerizing eyes gazed deep into mine: "I saw that look on your face before you got in here, I know from personal experience what you are currently going through. I was not too sure about following you, but I thought you might need help with this, I usually do. Are you better now?", she asked me softly. I simply nodded, my body relaxing as she still held my hands. She eventually let go of them just to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and cupping my cheek with her other hand, stroking it gently: "What's your name, sweetheart?", my heart fluttered at her nickname and I was so astonished by her, it took me a minute to respond just as I heard her chuckle; "(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)." "Alright (Y/N), fix your face a little and then walk out there with all the confidence you got in that pretty little body of yours. I know you can do it, I am proud of you for trying."

As she turned around to leave the restroom, I was quick to respond: "Hey, thank you. By the way, I never got your name?" "It's Ally." I gave her a smile: "Ally, that's a lovely name. Again, thank you for guiding me through this. You saved me." She nodded and winked at me, only to walk out of the room. 

From that evening on, I knew she would never leave my thoughts. 

Who knew her name was going to be Ally? Such a pretty face, such a precious soul. She engraved herself into my head, and I will not let her go like that. 


"(Y/N), you really wrote a whole story out of the first day that we met?"

"Yes Ally, I did. And you know why? Because you indeed, did save me. Happy anniversary, love."

"I love you, (Y/N)."

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