It's Pouring Baby - Cordelia Goode

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reader's POV

"(Y/N), get inside!", I heard Cordelia yell.
I was on my way to the mall, getting some groceries for the coven since the others were drowning in their own work.

I heard about the massive downpour of rain on the news this morning, but I didn't put much attention to it, until it started raining heavily the second I reached the street the coven stands on.

"DELIA! Take the groceries, I'm staying outside!",  I yelled back.

I ran to the stairs, almost slipping, carefully giving her the bags and hurrying back out.
I was already drenched, looking at my girlfriend as she looked at me like she's seen a ghost and laughing.

I smiled brightly, storms being my favorite weather ever to observe and be in.
I took the ends of my dress and spun around in circles, doing a little dance.

I payed minimal attention to my surrounding, not really noticing Cordelia hurrying out as well and wrapping her arms around my waist, stilling my movements.

It all felt like slow motion.

"You're gonna get sick, my sweet darling.",
she whispered and a shiver ran down my spine, not caused by the rain.

"I know, but it's so worth it."

She took my hand and spun me around, facing her.
I started counting the beauty marks and freckles on her face and neck all over again, gazing at her with nothing but love.

She kissed my forehead and whispered an 'I love you', which I gladly returned.

We stayed there, even tho the rain drenched all of our clothes and we would bring a storm into the coven, but what's a little storm if the world within the storm stilled?

Because I got her.

She's my anchor.

And so we swayed to the music mother nature gave us, we swayed so gently, we might have forgotten the rain.

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