You Know How To Calm Me - Cordelia Goode

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warnings: panic/anxiety,
mention of car accident (very very minimal)

I had to write this because it is the exact feeling and situation I am in the moment I am writing and publishing this, I had to calm my nerves yall sorry x

The knot in my lower abdomen just tightened and tightened as we sat in the car. Madison drove us around because, according to Zoe, she actually was a good driver. Cordelia already drove the first 3 hours of our road trip and we did not want her to overwork herself, which is why we all take turns.
But not sitting in the passenger's seat, not being able to see the whole road, not seeing the moves on the wheel and gas, not holding Cordelia's hand as safety as she drives carefully, I suddenly felt very uneasy.
It is like your breathing starting to be uneven, your stomach and jaw tightens, you try to vision the street anytime you actually can. I felt overwhelmed and sweaty. I tried to seem calm and brush it off, but my mind was so clouded, it had other plans. Having been in a very very minor but really unexpected car accident somehow did my anxiety no good and my panic started to rise.
"Sweetheart?", Cordelia asked as she saw me fidget with my hands in my lap. She replaced the fidgeting by giving me her one hand and stroking the other over my thigh. I just hummed and let her talk, too paranoid to interact:"(Y/N), are you okay? You seem very tense, I know that is your 'I might have a panic attack right now phase and I do not like this one bit.", she said kindly. "I am trying to focus, you know how uneasy I get when I can't sit in the front and see what's going on." Suddenly, her facial expression screamed 'oh god',
as in 'Damn it I totally forgot about that' and she spoke up:"Hey girls, can we take a quick bathroom break somewhere and then switch places again? Let (y/n) drive for a while maybe? Or I can go again." They all seemed to nod and agree, so that is exactly what we did.
As we sat on a parking lot's grass, I breathed in some fresh air and turned to Cordelia: "I love you. You know how to calm me and I am so thankful."
We shared a kiss and stood up, heading back to the car.

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