Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Yaqoob [The Beautiful Story] -•-Part one-•-

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The Sahaaba (RA) asked the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to narrate to them a beautiful story. So Allah (SWT) revealed a beautiful story in the Quran, and Allah (SWT) makes mention of this…
“We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Quran although you were, before it, among the unaware. [12:3]
We have revealed in the Quran for you a beautiful story. The best of stories that Allah (SWT) makes mention of and He says, prior to this you had not known this story.

The story starts when this young boy saw a dream. Yusuf (AS), he got up one day from his sleep very happy. And he was excited and he rushed to his father,
“O my father! I have seen a dream! It was a unique dream!”
When Joseph said to his father, “O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.” [12:4]
Remember when Yusuf (AS) went to his father and told him, “O my father! I have seen in my dream that eleven stars, and the sun, and the moon were prostrating to me. They were in sujood to me. And that is something that was strange.”

His father was a Nabi, Messenger of Allah (SWT), Yaqoob (AS)… the Prophet Jacob (May peace be upon him). The father understood immediately that this means, there must be some elevated status of this young child. Something very high.

Yusuf (AS) had ten brothers from another mother and one from the same mother. The one bother that was from his same mother, his name was Binyameen or Benjamin in English. His other brothers had different names and they were older than him. They were very jealous of Yusuf (AS).

You see, his brothers were born from another mother. Yaqoob (AS) treated them all the same. However his children (the others) they had a wickedness in their hearts unfortunately. They were very jealous brothers. And he (Yaqoob) knew that if (Yusuf) his brothers find out about this dream, because they’re also the children of a Prophet and a Messenger, they grew up in the household of a Prophet and a Messenger, so they might have a bit of that understanding when it comes to dreams for example, when it comes to deen, spiritualties.

So what did he say to his son?
“O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan.” [12:5]
O my son, do not relate this dream to your brethren. Because if you do, they may plot a plan against you. They may plan your downfall.
And what did he say?
“Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.” [12:5]
Indeed, Satan is a clear enemy against man.
He is clearly saying; the children are good, the youngsters are good, but Satan is who is bad.

Yusuf (AS) innocently, he related the story to his brothers. Allah Akbar! Because he was excited, a young boy.
“You know what? I’ve seen a dream. And in the dream I’ve seen myself. This this this is what happened.”

Now the brothers they started becoming jealous of him. And when he wasn’t around they had a little informal meeting where they said…
When they said, “Joseph and his brother are more beloved to our father than we, while we are a clan. Indeed, our father is in clear error.” [12:8]
This is going overboard. Our father always favors Yusuf and favors Binyameen. And favors especially Yusuf over us. Look at us, there are ten of us. We’re all young, mature, and strong. Ten of us make a strong gang. A strong group, and our father favors Yusuf over ten of us? Nah… our father is greatly astray. Our father is not aware of what he’s thinking of. How could our father favor Yusuf over us? We’re those who stand by him, we’re those who will help him, we’re those who will be there for him, we’re the young and strong ones, and what is Yusuf compared to us, he is only one and we are ten. And over all this, our father favors Yusuf over us. This is not acceptable to us.
And a word from here and a word from another one and a third word from here and the tension just increases in their hearts.

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