The Story Of Hud (AS)

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After Noah (AS) his nation they remained upon thauheed, upon the oneness of Allah (SWT) for some time. Until there came a nation called Aad. Aad and Iram, the all one name for one tribe. Their location was a location called Al-Ahqaf. Al-Ahqaf means sand dunes so it's a desert area right now, it wasn't that case before.
Where is it?
Between Oman and Yemen, close to Hadhramaut in the southern Arabian peninsula, middle eastern region.

Allah (SWT) described these people and their description is amazing. Allah (SWT) has given them is amazing. They were given the most power of any nation before them. The people of Aad were humongous people, gigantic people, very strong, very tough and very smart. These people were actually giants, you know they were taller than everybody else in the creation, they were more muscular, and their bone structure were very powerful. So nobody could stand up to these guys. And as a result when somebody is powerful and strong and nobody can stand up against them they take over and they destroy. And so they were the super power that took over much of the land.

It's been narrated that they were so strong, so big that one of them would grab a palm tree with his hand and pull it off. Pulling a palm tree with your hand! You need a bulldozer to take a palm tree.

They would go anywhere and any law that they said was the law. Because of their power, because of their physical power, because of their political power.
When they were attack any neighbors, they would completely destroy them, tyrants. And the description of their armies, the Mufassireen they said, when they would leave their army, the army would leave their city. When the front rows of the army would reach the enemy but the last of the army still have not left their town, they had massive armies

Allah (SWT) said such people, such creation I never created before in this world ever.

Allah (SWT) has given them livestock and has given them man power. And has given them agriculture and has provided them with an ample supply, good supply of water. That is as a society and then they as the individual Allah (SWT) gave them a powerful structure.

They had the gardens and they had the rivers that flows through those gardens. And because they are very smart, they were very civilized. They had wealth, they were so enormous, and they had so much luxury. They started to fall into the trap that rich nations falls into. And that is using your money for pride and arrogance.

They would find a huge mountain and they would just build something up there, a huge castle. Someone would pass by and they would say, "Who build this castle? Who lives there?" nobody lives there but it belongs to Aad. That they were not used for living, they don't need them, they just building them for pride to show off. They had pillars all over and if you looked at it, it was like the golden city. It was the city you wanted to be in.

Maybe with all the technology that you had these days there will not be architect and engineer, such good and big palaces in the mountains t‏here were, they had at that times.

These were giant pillars and they were decorated and they had a lot of décor all around. The beautification of these was next to nothing. They used to build it in a way as if they're gonna live forever, so strong and powerful. Some scholars say even to the Day of Judgment no palaces were ever existed like the ones they had.

They were a proud and arrogant nation and they were the first individual after the flood, after Noah (AS). From the progeny of Noah (AS), they were the first individuals to start to commit shirk once again. They started to associate partners unto Allah (SWT). They specifically worship 3 idols, the names of idols were Sudaa', Samood and Haraa.

Allah (SWT) sends a prophet to them now. His name was Hud. He was Hud, the son of Shalikh, the son of Arfakhshad, the son of Sam, the son of Noah (AS). Prophet (SAW) said from among the prophets and the messengers there are four prophets and messengers who are Arab and the prophet (SAW) said Hud (AS) was an Arab, Salih (AS) was an Arab, Shuayb (AS) was an Arab and he told Abu Huraira and your prophet is also an Arab.

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