Prophet Shu'ayb AS [The Speaker]

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Here’s a story of another great Prophet and Messenger, and that’s Shu’ayb. The Prophet  Muhammad (SAW) describes him as Khateeb Ul Anbiya. He is the speech deliverer of the Prophets and the Messengers. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), he told, four from the Prophets are Arab, Hud, Salih, Shu’ayb and your Prophet.

Some historians suggest that Musa (AS) had married his daughter. Now, precisely whether it was this Shu’ayb or it was another pious servant of Allah (SWT), there is a slight bit of difference of opinion.

He lived in a town called Madyan. They were known to be merchants, businessmen, very intelligent in terms of business. The people of Madyan were very bad and wicked people. They were worshiping a tree called Al-Ayka. They believe in the holiness of that tree and they used to prostrate and bow to that tree. The same people of Madyan are also known as people of Ayka.

Allah (SWT) had surrounded them with a lot of Trees. And the people of Madyan, not only their faith was bad, but their actions were very bad. They were very well known to be wicked, evil doings people. And from their actions were, they used to be high robberies.

They went on the path. People going past their town, they stop them, they take from their goods and they take from their money, and they take from their stock or whatever they have and they throw them out in the dessert.

But on top of that, the people of Shu’ayb (AS), they were cheaters. They used to say, this is for you, it weights ten pounds, I’ll charge you five dollars per pound. So, give me fifty dollars. But really, they would give you eighty pounds and they would say this is ten pounds. They would sell you milk, but they would mix water with it and say here is two gallons of milk for you.

And on top of that, they did something else. They used to tax people. They used to tax travelers that went through their town.

And to [people of] Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu’ayb. [7:85]

And to the people of Madyan we sent their brother Shu’ayb.

The companions of the thicket denied the messengers. [26:176]

The people who you used to worship that huge tree known as Al-Ayka, they have belied all the Messengers.

He said, “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than him.” [7:85]

He told his people, first thing is first, worship Allah alone, you don’t have a deity besides Allah.

“So fulfill the measure and weight and do not deprive people of their due…” [7:85]

Fulfill the measure properly and the weight. Do not short-change the people, neither in the volume, nor in the weight.

“And cause not corruption upon the Earth after its reformation.” [7:85]

And do not cause corruption on earth or do not spoil what has already been decided and confirmed and rectified.

“That is better for you, if you should be believers.” [7:85]

That which remains after you have given people their due, is far better for you than to eat that which belongs to others.

“And do not sit on every path, threatening and averting from the way of Allah those who believe Him, seeking to make it [seem] deviant.” [7:86]

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