The Story of Prophet Lut (AS)

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[The Corrupt City]

Lut grew up in the same household as Ibrahim (AS), and he loved Ibrahim, his uncle so much. And he got attached to his uncle Ibrahim (AS). When Ibrahim (AS) was casted in the fire and Ibrahim (AS) came out of that fire, unharmed/untouched because of Allah the lord of that fire and the lord of this universe ordered that fire, “O fire! Be cool and peaceful on Ibrahim.” And the fire obeyed Allah (SWT).

So who saw that?
Lut, and not only Lut, the whole tribe and the whole city saw that.

And Lut was the only one from among all those people who believed in Ibrahim (AS). And Ibrahim (AS), he migrated from where he was in Babylon, in Iraq. He went to Syria and then from Syria to Palestine.

Who followed him?

On the way Allah (SWT) will reveal to Lut (AS) and Ibrahim (AS), and the duty of Lut (AS), Allah (SWT) will choose Lut (AS) as a Prophet and a Messenger. And Allah (SWT) will send Lut (AS) on a great mission. The mission of Lut (AS) was very tough and hard, extremely hard.

Allah (SWT) sent Lut to a place called Sodom. At that time it was called Sodom. Another name that Allah (SWT) describes or mentions Sodom as, Al-Muthafika. Sodom and Muthafika are one place. That place is on the borders of Jordan and Palestine now, which we have these days something called the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is where Sodom used to be, a flat land how people live on it and we know why it became a sea.

Allah (SWT) sent Lut (AS) on a mission, on a job, on a task, on a message and that message of his is to call the people of Sodom back to Allah.

Who are these people of Sodom?
Sodom was a city, a very flourished city where it used to be a station for many travelers. And also it used to be a place where a lot of merchants or a lot of businessmen will come past Sodom to deal and buy and sell. And at the same time Sodom and Muthafika is the most corrupt city that ever existed in history at that time. These days you have something maybe even worse.

Sodom at that time was the most corrupted, the most criminal city or the most worst or corrupt or evil city that existed at that time.
The scholars say, Allah (SWT) did not describe a tribe as bad as He described the tribe of Lut (AS). He described them as Fasikeen, Kaafireen, and Jaahileen. He described them with the worst or the bad or the evil description of someone being described, this is the people of Lut (AS).

What was their corruption?
Not only they were disbelievers, not only they were disobedient, not only they turned against the call of Allah (SWT). But these people went into the corruption and the kufr of it and the crime to the deepest end that they start, they came up and innovated and produced crimes and sins and evilness that no one in the past ever did.

What was that?
One of the things that the whole entire world did never or ever experience before Sodom was the homosexuality.

When Lut (AS) told his people, you do the fahisha, the crime, you commit the sin, you commit the evil doings, such an action that no one in history before you ever did.

What was that?
You have desires, O men, you have desires for other men (the same gender) and you leave your women. You have desires, you are attracted to men as men and you leave your women.

And of course there’s nothing that mentions about a women with a women. But the people of Lut, had this common thing of men with men. They had this common thing of men having sexual contact or whatever with other men. And not only that, they used to be proud of it. It’s not like they used to keep it hidden, they used to speak it out, and they used to commit that corruption out in the open. They never used to disclose it and cover up on themselves or a small gang of people do it. But the entire tribe, the entire city was involved in such corruption that it became a natural thing. How a man is married to a woman, man with man is normal at that time.

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