The Story Of Sheeth (AS)

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A/N: I apologize because I found this story little late. This story actually supposed to be published after the story of Adam (AS) and before the story of Idris (AS). In between the previous two stories. Note that Sheeth (AS) came before Idris (AS).


Adam (AS) had a son name Sheeth (AS) or Seth. And Seth was a gift and even the name Sheeth means gift. Sheeth was a gift that was given by Allah (SWT) to Adam (AS) after the death of his son Habil. Habil was a righteous son, a righteous servant of Allah (Aza Wa Jal). So Adam (AS) as a righteous man who was attached to Habil and when he lost Habil he was very upset. So Allah (SWT) replaced Habil with Sheeth (AS). Not only a righteous man but a prophet and a messenger of Allah (SWT). And Adam (AS) named him Sheeth as a gift, the gift of Allah (SWT).

This son of Adam (AS) was very close to him. He obeyed his instructions. He learned from his father. He actually used to remind his brothers and nephews and so on and grandnephews whilst Adam (AS) was alive as well. He continued to remind and to remind people of the beginning. Because there was nothing else to remind them about at that particular time beside to worship Allah (SWT) alone and how shaytaan had made a promise and so on.

And Sheeth (AS) after the death of his father Adam (AS) he ruled the children of Adam. And he ruled with justice. He ruled in accordance to Allah (SWT)'s law. And he brought unity between the people around him. But shaytaan could not stop his plotting. On the other hand Qabil and the descendants of Qabil grew and grew more than the people around Sheeth.

One of the sons known as Qabil or Kane, he had aggressiveness in his behavior. He had greed, he had arrogance. He was a tough character, difficult to get along with. So what he did? He decided to depart (to leave the rest) and to go away on his own, somewhere very far away. So Adam (AS) prior to his death. He used to live with Sheeth (AS) and with all these other children of his in the mountainous regions in the mountains. And now this young man decided or Qabil decided to go to the valleys and to go to the flat land somewhere further away.

Later on Sheeth (AS) was given an instruction by Allah (SWT). Part of his Sharia (law) was that it was prohibited to mix with people who were gone on to the other side. Now there was a distinct sign. You should see very clearly, the men for Qabils side were not very good looking. We heard about that the women were very good looking. When it comes to where Sheeth (AS) and the rest of them were, the men were very good looking and the women were not that good looking.
According to narrations. I'm not speaking obviously from my own pocket here. It says that iblis, he made himself to the form of a young boy. Like an apprentice and went to a blacksmith who used to work with metal. And he asked if he could be an apprentice for the blacksmith. And what he did was, he worked for him and designed a flute. With the flute he came out and he introduced it to everyone. He slowly started making sounds. Sound that people had never heard before. Because there were no sounds that people had heard.

That was the beginning of the time and now he created a little drum and he beat it. And everyone would come. 'What's that sound?' they would come around him and watch. Then he got a bit of metal and he started hitting it. And then he creates a sound. And they came. Then he made a bugle and he started blowing in to it. It created a sound and they came. And they were excited. Wow these people are intelligent. They have advanced much more than us. And they got so engrossed in it that they slowly started forgetting the commands of Allah (SWT).

On the other hand, Sheeth (AS) kept on reminding his people and he kept on telling his people what was right and what was wrong. And on this hand, we find that shaytaan is teaching them to do evil, how to create evil. So the flute was made and it sounded nice. it says that when he brought the flute to them they started to move their bodies to the flute. When you hear musical instruments, the more you hear the more every part of your body reacts to it. So they began to dance. This is how they introduced the musical instruments into existence. And through that he (shaytaan) would control them. They literally set aside a day and evening, a Saturday evening and amazingly to this day it lasts. To this day it lasts. They set aside that evening where he would create these sounds. Everybody would come around and everybody would listen to him and everybody would literally party. Party... they would party. Until there came a time when some of the youth from Sheeth (AS) were visited by shaytaan.

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