The Story Of Noah (AS)

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As time passed they had certain pious people from amongst them. If you look at Surah Nuh you will find the names of those pious people.  Wadh, Suwa, Yaghuth, Yauq and Nasr, these are five names mentioned in the Quran, they were pious people.

Shaytaan (the devil) came to the people of the time and said look these are pious people. Who are reminding you to do good. Now that they have died just make a small statue. So every time you see the statue you will be able to remember that this person used to remind us of good and you will do the good. They saw nothing wrong in that. They created statues and each one was named after one of these pious people. And every time they came and they saw these statues, they were very happy. It reminded them to do and they began to do good.

Now shaytaan is very patient. So he waited for that generation to pass. When that generation passed and people forgot why exactly they had made those statues. He went to the next generation and said, you know your forefathers, and you don’t know what they used to do, they used to worship these idols. These are statues. This is what brought there goodness. And he conned them. He said whenever they saw these idols, they worshipped the idols so they became good people and goodness came in their direction. So the shaytaan says, don’t you see the statues used to help them to become good. So you need to prostrate to these statues in order to become even better. So this is when shirk started. This is the first association of partnership with Allah (SWT).

So that’s how the shirk started to spread among the people after the death of Idris (AS) all the way to Noah (AS). The shirk took over the world and there was no one saying “La illaha illalallah” except Noah (AS).

The Story of Noah (AS)

At the time of Noah (AS), Noah (AS) was the only Muslim worshipping Allah (SWT) alone that time. Everyone besides Noah (AS) is a mushrik. Everyone besides Noah (AS) associated someone else with Allah Azzawajal. And then Noah (AS) came.

We sent Noah (AS) to his people. So he said to them directly, oh my people worship Allah alone, you have no deity besides Allah (SWT). Nobody worthy of worship besides Allah (SWT). Calling towards the oneness of Allah (SWT).

950 years! Generations were coming into and leaving Noah (AS) times. Such a long time actually for dawah.
Now obviously Allah (SWT) he gives this struggles to the prophets because the prophets can handle it.

950 years calling to Allah (SWT), Oh people say “La illaha illalallah”. We sent Noah to his people to warn his tribe and people before a severe punishment comes to them.

I fear for you. The punishment of the day, the great day. I am only conveying to you the messages of my own Rabb (lord) and I’m giving you advice (Naseeha). Sound advice I’m delivering to you so don’t hold it against me. Don’t call me a mad man. Weigh what I’m saying and if it makes sense and it will definitely make sense if you are ready to ponder over it, then follow it.

So a few people started following him. Who? Very few. After so many years, one person. After so many years, another person. Subhanallah!

What were their backgrounds? What were their positions and status in the community or in society? You’ll find that every single one of them, Allah (SWT) describes them in the Quran. That they were people who weren’t very important in the society.
What do I mean by that? They weren’t popular people, they weren’t famous people. They weren’t people who had high positions, such as the chief of a tribe or the leader of a nation. Or a doctor (with a) PhD or famous singer or famous actor. They were merely farmers, simple people. They would call them primitive people. When they heard the Dawah of Noah (AS) they did not hesitate to accept.
So when Noah (AS) began to give Dawah to the others. Who were the chiefs and the big men and the big people and the hot shots and all that. What happened? They did not want to listen. They wanted to carry on their ways. The chiefs from amongst the people, those who has authority, those who had power, those who had wealth, those who had respect in society, they spoke. They said, you are astray! This man is astray don’t listen to him!

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